As an Enhancement Shaman things were pretty straightforward. When not giving direction it was go out and club things very very roughly upside the head.
Now that I've gone resto, obviously the bulk of the job will be healing.
While practical experience will trump all, I was curious if anyone had any pointers about going out in this new role. I'd like to hear from other combat medics any tips they might have.|||Follow someone who can play and itsnt a farm monkey or go where you should be (FR, Tower,node) hide an wait for someone to follow you there.
one tip never underestimate the usefullness of an instant ghostwolf (Natures swiftness) often a life saver (if you see your last dps that you were healing getting bundled by 5) and makes flag running fun, normal GW to start, run till the charge hamstring, drop form, earthbind, grounding, ping trinket and instant GW away
regarding the healing, im a little and often kinda guy.
hide in bushes and things too, you would be amazed at how stupid people are :)
never be tab target, always have an Earthbind down,always have a grounding down (sheep /fear CC) i keep a rank1 magma totem on my tool bar too (more useful indoors) wont save you very often, but if nothing else they have to stealth round it to get to you
if i get hassled by mellee i just put my back to a wall, i have flame tongue on usually*, full rank of magma goes down, FlameShock, heal, heal, renew FlameShock and magma, heal, heal, eventually they tend to run off scared :)
* i do tend to use sp damage more than straight healing gear .. u wont be defended very often and nothing better than killing people coming for the soft "healer"
hmm not sure i answered your question, healers basically find someone that can play and follow them, never heal idiots, if someone charges 5, let them die (barring node defense ofc) the more you can spread your heals around (starting with 1 person is just easier) the better, more chance of people around you defending you and less likely people notice you (i.e that war "dave" has a pet healer kill him)
gl BG healing is great fun imo
p.s people die, dont be scared to stop healing someone who u know is going down and maybe get 2 others up to full instead (u can always claim u were silenced / sapped )
p.p.s if your with friends, remind them of the concept of "Range" warriors just love charging in and then moaning as u run to catch them up to die right after them
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