Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Apology for Tone in "Twink in BGs"

Look, too many people are misunderstanding what I'm trying to share in the subject post. What I'm trying to communicate is the fact that every single person on this Earth has something that they do better than anyone else and venues that promote as much of a laissez faire economy as possible (or mostly free for those of you living in areas that are just now experiencing this) and virtual life in a game such as WoW give you near-limitless capabilities that should NOT be touched by any 3rd party just because someone does something better than you. I've been ganked, smoked, camped, and torn to pieces in this game and I pick myself up and say, "I need to find out what they're doing and find a way to combat it or do it better." I do NOT say, "Hey, Blizzard, can you please keep these twinks away from me?!"

I apologize if what I wrote was mean or hurtful to you. My intent is to make you think! Think about what you're doing in this game and ultimately life in general! Do you really want a big-brother covering your tracks 24/7 in here or out there in the real world? Or do you want to learn how to be great? I personally have been in massive piles of crap throughout my life and have always learned from them and that has made me very blessed and very capable.

In here anyone can be AWESOME but when you ask for more control from Blizzard in the form of limiting or disallowing twinks, you're LOSING more of that capability of being AWESOME. That's the spirit of making a twink! That's the spirit of life! You're doing something difficult, fun, and pretty amazing! I think the subject guild that started this entire discussion goes against everything that makes a person a person and I feel sorry for anyone in that guild because you are being limited and held back from greatness...

I do not take this game too seriously but when life skills and life lessons are at hand I'm going to scream like crazy until people hear me and hear me they did! Think it doesn't really matter? I've seen many team players learn leadership skills from this game. I've seen many loners learn teamwork skills from this game. If the next thing you learn is that a virtual economy of scale such as this allows you to make an incredibly powerful character that gets laughed at by someone double his level until he gets smoked then I've done my job. I'm trying to further alert you that ANY limitations on this capability ultimately affect YOUR God-given talents and unique expression.|||/scratches head.

Nerf twinks?|||Quote:

/scratches head.

Nerf twinks?

I think the translation is:

Sorry for my tone in the other thread. Nerfing twinks reduces their ability to be awsome and takes away from their self expression and dreams of greatness.

But I could be wrong|||yeah something like that -- too tired to continue on... people are always going to complain and there's always going to be someone that takes something differently than intended, even me so whatever... it's time to get back to p---ing people off IRL...|||Quote:

yeah something like that -- too tired to continue on... people are always going to complain and there's always going to be someone that takes something differently than intended, even me so whatever... it's time to get back to p---ing people off IRL...

Well, I for one, forgive you for calling me a leftist. But if you ever call me a rightist, that's when I'll take offense :)


One who holds a left-wing viewpoint; someone who seeks radical social and economic change in the direction of greater equality.|||Yeah, I was putting that out there as a general analogous comparison towards those wanting "Big Brother Blizzard" to stop twinking. It was definitely not directed toward you so thank you for your forgiveness. I for one will always support equality but not at the expense of limiting freedom. My spectrum is dead set in the middle bordering libertarian, but they want ZERO government. You gotta have SOME government otherwise the Haliburtons and other ginormous corporations of the world will take advantage of everyone to our detriment. THAT's when you cry foul!|||I wanted to stay out of this, but I have to ask the question here now. jason, you are saying that you believe the big money twinks should have free reign and should be allowed to decimate all. (A good point, I agree with that) You do not want any interference from Blizzard, because that is a Big Brotherish approach.

You have been using a lot of free market, political styled comparisons in your discussion points, but then you turn around and say you DO want the Haliburtons (big money twinks) of the world to be controlled by a government to protect the rest of us (the non twinks).

Yes, I realize the one is a video game and the other is real life, but your constant references to the political / human spirit and so forth has led me to believe that the two are closely linked in your mind.

So - I'm curious as to how that reasoning works, would you be able to explain it a bit, please?|||Quote:

I wanted to stay out of this, but I have to ask the question here now. jason, you are saying that you believe the big money twinks should have free reign and should be allowed to decimate all. (A good point, I agree with that) You do not want any interference from Blizzard, because that is a Big Brotherish approach.

You have been using a lot of free market, political styled comparisons in your discussion points, but then you turn around and say you DO want the Haliburtons (big money twinks) of the world to be controlled by a government to protect the rest of us (the non twinks).

Yes, I realize the one is a video game and the other is real life, but your constant references to the political / human spirit and so forth has led me to believe that the two are closely linked in your mind.

So - I'm curious as to how that reasoning works, would you be able to explain it a bit, please?

Absolutely! I welcome the opportunity:

"you are saying that you believe the big money twinks should have free reign and should be allowed to decimate all."

A bit extreme but, yes, because we are all capable of doing this.

"but then you turn around and say you DO want the Haliburtons (big money twinks) of the world to be controlled by a government to protect the rest of us (the non twinks)"

This example is an exploit at the expense of others using an unfair practice that goes against the first and simplest laws ever written starting with the Ten Commandments and Hammurabi. I would not call these twinks because they use inside information and inside influence (the good ol' boy network) to gain power. They find out information before everyone else which enhances their investments and bids for work. This is when the SEC (Big Brother-ish, yes, but effective) steps in and says, "this is definitely unfair because you heard it via word-of-mouth from your 'good ol' boy network' before subject documentation was made public." Other smaller, less heard-of companies do not have that extra time to gain capital, research, and revenue to bid fairly and effectively for the same work and the larger, more influential and more heard-of company then becomes bigger and bigger and effectively monopolizes that business niche without any competition and competition is what makes a free-market effective.

A similar example would be bids for work post-Hurricane Katrina. Several contractors heard about the bids AND the pricing "under the table" and were able to win work when it should have been made available to all contractors at the same time.|||By the same token, twinks have experience in the game under their belt. They are accustomed to sharing secrets (Their own old boys network, as Stigg and owlx demonstrated) with one another. Remember the twink outrage against the Armory? Because they did not want to share those secrets with the masses. (Although a few of them would explain what they did when asked, Stigg went so far as to create a guide)

These guys have much more gold and resources available than new players (your smaller, less-heard of companies) and can compete unfairly. Thus they become bigger, better and effectively monopolize the 10-19 Battleground bracket.

I'm playing devil's advocate here, but the two scenarios seem rather analogous to me.|||Quote:

By the same token, twinks have experience in the game under their belt. They are accustomed to sharing secrets (Their own old boys network, as Stigg and owlx demonstrated) with one another. Remember the twink outrage against the Armory? Because they did not want to share those secrets with the masses. (Although a few of them would explain what they did when asked, Stigg went so far as to create a guide)

These guys have much more gold and resources available than new players (your smaller, less-heard of companies) and can compete unfairly. Thus they become bigger, better and effectively monopolize the 10-19 Battleground bracket.

I'm playing devil's advocate here, but the two scenarios seem rather analogous to me.

No, you're doing great. My point is, we CAN ALL do it! I went sparingly into the BGs until I could afford great gear because that's my goal: to be great. Once my main hit 70 and was able to generate decent revenue, I then sponsored my twink alt.

The two scenarios are similar with one exception -- here we're all capable, that's why I told that one guy to stop cryin' and make one! It just takes time and hard work and I fear some folks are afraid of doing just that and want someone to help them along or stop it all together. I'm guilty of getting like that from time to time until I remind myself to buck up and do something about it... because I can.

As far as trade secrets go, my hands are up in the air on that one... I sure as heck don't want anyone stealing Coca-Cola's secret because it's my favorite beverage in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD! mmmmmmm!

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