Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Plz rec'md L39 BM Hunter build for WSG & AB

hello, (note: i did put this topic in the hunter forum w/no responses so far)

I was playing around w/the calculator and came up w/a 23/5/2 build for a L39 twink hunter.

Beast Mastery (23 points)

Endurance Training - Rank 5/5

Focused Fire - Rank 2/2

Thick Hide - Rank 3/3

Unleashed Fury - Rank 5/5

Ferocity - Rank 5/5

Intimidation - Rank 1/1

Bestial Discipline - Rank 2/2

Marksmanship (5 points)

Improved Concussive Shot - Rank 3/5

Lethal Shots - Rank 2/5

Survival (2 points)

Savage Strikes - Rank 2/2

Could someone take a look at the build and let me know if it seems like a good mix for AB / WSG?

I am also considering a similar 23/8 build but w/ Hawkeye 3/3, Savg Strikes 2/2 and ImpWC 3/3.

here is my armory link:

I was trying to focus on any sort of "stun" capabilities, increased crit on ranged and a big crit bonus to raptor strike for melee.

I hope to get Scorpashi Wristbands(Fortitude +12stam), Worn Running boots (Boar's Swiftness +9stam/inc speed), Adventurer's Pith Helmet (Libram of Constit) and Gloves of Holy Might (Assault +26ap) --and if I get really lucky--an Obsidian Cleaver w/ +35 Agi.

Plz let me know if I am missing anything re: EQ or enchants--oh yeah, I hope to upgrade the pants to Nethercleft as the 40stam will help more than the 50ap for Nethercobra--I think?

I have a Boar/Cat and Scorpid as pets, but unfortunately my boar/cat are only L37--and I cant really afford to raise their level w/out coming dangerously close to L40.|||Here's my profile:

I can't remember how many TP's I had at the level so I'm not sure how I distributed the points.

I do remember, however, that I was strictly building my toon for leveling.

I did, however, pvp at every bracket level and remember doing extremely well (almost always at the top).|||Imo, 11 points in MMS for Aimed Shot, rest in Beast Mastery.|||Well some updates here, I went Survival for the increased melee dmg/survivability. But, I still need to work on my skills, no doubt. I still take too much damage and cant burn down opponents quickly enough. I really miss intimidation in the BM tree, and my only skill to slow down opponents is Wing Clip, so I can last longer, but I am not really happy w/any of my choices so far.

I am about as twinked as I can get, and am wondering if the marksmanship tree will increase my DPS sufficiently to kill more quickly?|||Also, I have looked at the MM tree and came up w/this spec:

Level 39 Hunter (0/25/5)

Marksmanship (25 points)

Lethal Shots - Rank 5/5

Efficiency - Rank 5/5

Go for the Throat - Rank 2/2

Aimed Shot - Rank 1/1

Improved Stings - Rank 4/5

Mortal Shots - Rank 5/5

Scatter Shot - Rank 1/1

Survival (5 points)

Humanoid Slaying - Rank 3/3

Savage Strikes - Rank 2/2

the main alternative would be to move the 3pts in Imp Stings and put into Hawkeye to get the add'l 6 yards of Range.

Any thoughts on this build?|||Can't recall what I specced my hunter to when I recently respecced him.

Decided that the build I listed above wasn't too good after all. There's just not that much of immediate importance in the BM tree if you want to have Aimed Shot that remains in reach.

Went with a Hybrid build myself.|||ive always liked a hybrid build when i was at that level


5 pts endurance training (added health to you and pet)

2 pts focus fire (2% extra damage when pet is out...which they almost always are)

1 pt thick hide (give them a little extra life and boost from your armor)

2 pts concussive shot (a little extra chance to stop a FC is always nice in wsg)

5 pts lethal shots (obvious choice)

5 pts improved HM (melee gets bonus from it...always nice in close combat)

1 pt Aimed shot (for getting the next point)

2 pts rapid killing ( both to get next point, and to deal 20% damage after killing someone)

1 pt mortal shots (great talent)

3pts humanoid slaying (are you really killing anything else in BGs?)

3pts hawkeye (i hate when im just out of range for someone)|||RT,

thanks for the advice, I just respeccd yesterday so I will play with this for a bit b4 trying out the next build. Do u know how long I have to wait for the respec cost to lower again?|||never goes fact is caps out at 50g IIRC...dont know if this changed with the patch...heard rumors of it, havent logged in to check yet. because at lvl 39 you cant get the lvl 40 ability, i think hybrids are decent where you dip into each to get abilities that could benefit you the most.

im sure moopy will throw in his 2c whenever he gets a chance as usual...but try it and see if you like it. im still playing with builds at 66 and at 50g a pop it gets a little crazy|||Think it's a month or so and won't drop beneath 10 (?) gold.

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