Wednesday, April 18, 2012

AV changes

My understanding is that blizz is making it so AV takes longer and probably won't be as fast to grind honor as it is now since they don't like how all the games are just a rush. My question is does that mean that we should be running AV like crazy to save up our honor for the new gear coming? I know the other BGs are suppose to be buffed so they all will be about equal but if they are equal to a nerfed AV that is still going to be less than it is now.

I agree these changes are probably good (AV is boring but fast honor and hardly pvp) but will it make the honor grind longer?|||i think av is wonderful as a change of pace from AB by all means... ive had WSG runs that end in 5 minutes, wheread AV usually takes about 20 minutes for a run. i think its an excellent change of pace, but 40/40 is hard to get a pvp environment out of, because its usually the one or two spare runners that get ganked.|||AV is going to suck post patch.

WSG Premade time.. god I miss the days when WSG was a real source of honor.|||Quote:

AV is going to suck post patch.

WSG Premade time.. god I miss the days when WSG was a real source of honor.

Which was when, 2005?

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