Wednesday, April 18, 2012

rogue twinks

I am currently makeing a level 19 rogue twink. He is currently level 15. I see alot of twinks duel wielding cruel barbs or a skeletal mace and a cruel barb. I was planning on wielding a Sentinel's blade with a cruel barb until i could afford an assassin's blade. Is this a good plan or what should i wield? Thanks in advance!|||I really don't know, I find twinks to be utterly useless. I really hate them. Badly, and with a passion. They never really seem to look down.|||I love how almost everyday there is a new person asking about rouge twinks, and they all make a new thread instead of doing 5 min of research, and finding your guide stigg. It is extremly well written, and could anwser any question they could possible think of.|||/blush

I find it funny. I insult twinks really really hoping for one of them to realiate with this huge long post about how twinking is awesome and they don't care what I think. hasn't happened yet. /sigh|||I could pretend being a noob, if that helps you feel better!

So I was wondering what would be the best equipement to create a lvl 19 twink. P.S. i'm on Horde side.|||Quote:

I could pretend being a noob, if that helps you feel better!

So I was wondering what would be the best equipement to create a lvl 19 twink. P.S. i'm on Horde side.

:) haha you are supposed to yell at me about me writing what I did in the second post, about how I am just mad because my 10-19 gets creamed when I step foot into WSG and how i need to learn to play my class, followed by some random "yo mamma" joke, and ending with a demeaning remark about my real life.

Then, after you finally realize that I have, in my signature, linked my guide, you go and read it...which (if you read through all the comments as well) would take you over an hour. SO then you try and come back to edit your post, but you can't because its been over an hour, so you write some silly comment like, haha just kidding. Then I get to laugh.

can you tell I've had 3 more cups of coffee than I normally have?|||I can do that

Yo look, stiggy boy, I don't give a friggin damn about you and your whiny-whiny "twinks suxxor 1101!!one11!eleven!" arguments.

Just cuz you can't get above 2 HK in a 1h WSG game with your stupid lvl 16 huntard doesn't mean you get to bash twinks -t'is a culture, you know? If you got you backside handed to you by some big gun anytime you enter the BG, you just gotta l2p and l2equip and train instead of come whining.

Specially whit that hugo-mongo post count - do you even play lol? Oh wait no, you don't have time, cause mommy's gonna you to school, right? Jeez guy get a life, serious!

P.S. Damn, after writing that I feel... Dirty... *shudders*

P.P.S. Just in case - if the mods wack me hard, you'll testify for me, Stigg? Please?|||Haha, yes i will. Now let's wait an hour...|||zomg this sounds fun!

i wanna go fart around in the lowbie BG's too!

woot, i own ur lvl 10! i love god mode! im awesome!|||AH! I can't believe you fell for my bait! Me > You!

/whisper Stigg that's the point where you're supposed to laugh...

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