Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Does AV crash alot?

i noticed the past 2-3 days that AV will crash... i am able to talk in G-chat and myother chat channels.. but in BG i cant move, cast or talk.

i cant even exit game regularly. is this happening to anybody else? are the AV servers crashing?|||Yep, BGs have had some issues since the patch. In Europe there were login messages about people getting stuck in BGs and the like, but there were lots of other problems too- like DCs when being handed from the continent servers to BG servers and the like..|||Got stuck in AB the other day with my priest. I was playing along just fine untill I started lagging hard, really hard, and then wow froze. I was able to alt+f4 out and then had to restart it 5 times before it put my char back in Darnassus. Everytime I tried to log him in, there was no "location" under the charcters name in the screen and I would get the AB loading screen, but would never get put into the BG (b/c it was over) and it wouldn't redirect me back.|||My unit frames addon used to crash WoW when I got in a battleground, especially AV. Really pissed me off! :p|||Question - you using AG_UF ?|||Quote:

Question - you using AG_UF ?

Yep. But it doesn't do it anymore. Maybe because of something Blizzard did or because I have a new version /shrug|||Quote:

Question - you using AG_UF ?

At the time of the post, european AV servers were having problems, nothing to do with client-side problems. All players, mods or not, were suffering massive lag and teleporting/desync problems, getting stuck in the BGs and the like. However, thread necromancy has obfuscated this somewhat.|||BG9 (US - Bloodlust) is ALWAYS crashing.

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