Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Honor for healing?

Just migrated here from the official forums, so hi

Couple of months ago I started a shaman alt. Got to lvl 47 just fine but then leveling him became a bore. So instead I started doing BG: s with him and noticed that in the 40-49 bracket a enhancement shaman is a complete blast. But the best thing by far about being a shaman (in contrast to my hunter) is the healing capabilities, even as enh. It is just so rewarding being sought after for instances and getting "thank you" tells in bg: s .

So now I'm considering to respec and regear resto. My question though is wether I will be recieving nearly as much honor if I'm just healing as I am when dealing damage?

Because as resto my damage probably wouldn't be astonishing...

edit: why does my profile say belf druid?|||You'll get pretty much the same honour, as you'll be in combat with those that die- you just won't get to crow over killing blows.

Of course, remember that the big honour comes from winning rather than kills, which is where a team having some smart healers really comes into its own.. :)|||Thanks for fast reply :). Will go respec now.

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