Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Honor per hour

How much honor can yall rake in per hour assuming immediate BG Queues and level 70? As I sit here at work and contemplate gear ideas I'm trying to figure out a timeline for obtaining the gear I am currently drooling over.|||Quote:

How much honor can yall rake in per hour assuming immediate BG Queues and level 70? As I sit here at work and contemplate gear ideas I'm trying to figure out a timeline for obtaining the gear I am currently drooling over.

Av with a good group on my server goes about 13-15 min alliance win. Average honor on a double honor weekend is 522 on my server. so basically about 2k honor per honor is doable. I've done 17k honor in a day before but i was working my butt off for it. I had to get my resilience gear so my I could get on a good arena team for once. Any other BG you will yeild less honor no matter what. AV= the greatest honor per hour unless you get in a turtle.|||Quote:

Av with a good group on my server goes about 13-15 min alliance win. Average honor on a double honor weekend is 522 on my server. so basically about 2k honor per honor is doable.

Yeah, always do the BG that is having the "Call to Arms" as you will get more honor with those.

If it's not a Call to Arms and you just do AV's it depends on how long they last . . . you could do one that last for an hour for 400 . . . one for 2 hours and loose and get like 100 . . . you could do 4 @ 15 mins for 400X4 = 1600 honor etc. It just depends . . . standard AV's are about 15-25 mins. usually.

My standard is about 800-1200 an hour. Though you do have rough nights where those numbers are far less and great nights where you get more.|||By the way: in the next patch honour for the other BGs will be increased, although it's not clear yet by how much.

Let's hope it's a bit like AV what honour/hour is concerned!|||Quote:

How much honor can yall rake in per hour assuming immediate BG Queues and level 70? As I sit here at work and contemplate gear ideas I'm trying to figure out a timeline for obtaining the gear I am currently drooling over.

Impossible to say as it depends on your server/battlegroup as well as queue times.

Assuming the people are not total morons (which, to be honest, might be overestimating them) 1k to 1.5k from AV is fairly easy to obtain. It can go as high as 3k, but don't hold your breath for that one as it pretty much requires three perfect AVs in a row.

If you're doing premades (solid ones, that is, not the premade random teams from /2) you're looking at around 2k from AB.|||On Frostmane EU (Horde side) I get between 300-500 honor per Alterac Valley.

I think it's safe to say we win 55% of the battles.

Average Alterac Valley lasts 18 minutes.|||Past 2 days I\'ve made about 1.2k an hour in AV, jumping right in as soon as one is over.

AV lasts -13-18 min generally for me.|||75k is max honor you can retain.

Blizz blues have said with max honor you will be able to gain 2 or 3 pieces of S1 gear.

That leads me to believe a S1 weapon will cost 25k honor.|||Ugh.....but, easier for me to jump in and PvP some than instance during the week.|||14-15 minute games Vengeance Battlegroup 300-400 honor a match, 500-600 on av weekend. Probably about 50/50 wins/losses, although Horde do win quite a lot at times. Average wait time 1-3 minutes most times of the day/any day.

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