Thursday, April 19, 2012

Alliance only by name

I dont submit this as a protest or something, just stating what my bg

experience has tought me so far.

Sometimes i think "The alliance" is only a name and not a fact

everyone is going solo and only a few players work together, something i

dont see in the horde side. Howdome the always work together?

What do we luck?

Two nights ago i entered Av for the first time im a lvl 55 Ne rogue

a low lvl for Av since the majority was 60+. I was fighting in the front line

while others of greater levels (im not talking about cloth wearers) were

standing in the back watching .

i mean.. come oon!!

We were busting our chops out there while others remained at their positions doing nothing to help .
|||Alliance are more focused on their e-peen and ph4t l3wtz then they are focused on actually doing anything even remotely useful.. Having had a shaman and some alliance chars at equal level throughout the game, alliance always have been worse at teamwork..

Just as an example.. At level 50 I went to BRD with my druid.. Had three "tanks"; feral druid, warrior and 60 pala.. None of them even though of using a shield (well, druid was in bear, but was tanking a single target, usually the casters, which he can't mitigate anyway >_<) as I was having a hard time keeping them up.. They just kept posting their 1337 crits and what not.

On my shaman I went there at 50 aswell, enhancement specced, and had an easier time keeping everyone alive, even though my druid is resto..|||I've never been to AV as I am pretty new to the game myself, but from what I hear the Alliance don't have to do much there since they have such a good terrain advantage.|||Quote:

Alliance are more focused on their e-peen and ph4t l3wtz then they are focused on actually doing anything even remotely useful.. Having had a shaman and some alliance chars at equal level throughout the game, alliance always have been worse at teamwork..

Just as an example.. At level 50 I went to BRD with my druid.. Had three "tanks"; feral druid, warrior and 60 pala.. None of them even though of using a shield (well, druid was in bear, but was tanking a single target, usually the casters, which he can't mitigate anyway >_<) as I was having a hard time keeping them up.. They just kept posting their 1337 crits and what not.

On my shaman I went there at 50 aswell, enhancement specced, and had an easier time keeping everyone alive, even though my druid is resto..

This is true.....if applied on the my server.|||Then again, the day this alliance player made a horde alt, it wasn't too many hours and I could no longer remember how many chat messages I had seen with the rough meaning of "l2p noob". Hadn't even said anything to anyone by that time. The first one I got for losing a duel iirc.

And besides, why is it that most of the time the horde is the only side who even bothers to constantly speak ill of their enemy?|||Quote:

Then again, the day this alliance player made a horde alt, it wasn't too many hours and I could no longer remember how many chat messages I had seen with the rough meaning of "l2p noob". Hadn't even said anything to anyone by that time.

And besides, why is it that most of the time the horde is the only side who even bothers to constantly speak ill of their enemy?

In most servers, I think, Alliance outnumbers Horde, and consistently gank them throughout their time trying to get to 60 (before TBC), so when the Horde finally gets to face the Alliance on equal terms, and send them to graveyard repeatedly, they will, definitely, be gloating about their victory. And one way to do that is to speak ill of the Alliance.|||I know this may be a little off topic forn the original BG post, but it kind of follows what has been siad here. I'm going to draw my comparison between Alliance and Horde personalities.

First off, I've been playing for over 2 years now. I origianly started with a Horde Mage then a Horde shamen, both took to 60. The whole time my wife gave me a hard time about playing so much. Then I convinced to start playing. She really wanted to play Alliance and I couldn't stop her. So I created an Alliance Warrior and told myself this will let me see the other half of the game I'm paying for. I took my Warrior up to 60 and played him in the BG's too. So I can say that I have a decent understanding of both sides. Well, this is what I have learned:

1. When I play Horde I noticed people help out a lot more then on the Alliance. For example if I'm questing and I aggro too much by mistake and there's another Horde around, they usually run over and help kill or heal. This takes time out of what there we're doing and is not expected, but very nice. I didn't see this as much on the Alliance. Sure it happend but not as much. It happens A LOT on the horde. Also, the Horde is very giving with the buffs, I can run along and it seems I get buffs from random players all the time. Again, this happens on the alliance, but not nearly as much. In general, the Horde is more friendly and helpful to each other then the Alliance.

2. When I was leveling my Horde characters, I notcied that when I got to the 30+ areas when the two sides start mixing, that the Alliance would frequently pester any Horde they came across. Now I understand that there is "Roleplaying" and the two sides are "At war" and all, so a little messing around is to be expected. But after 20+ minutes of this NE or Dwarf (the two most common ones that pester) jumping around in front of me, ganking and what not, it starts bordering on childish and imature. At which point I shake my head and move on to a new area. But when I played my Alliance toon , I noticed when I got to the same areas, the Horde very rarly pestered me. In fact I remember once when I was questing at BB killing Bloodsail Buccaneers, this Horde was there and helped me kill to get to the vendor that sells the tailor pattern. THIS Horde was more interested in getting to the vendor then pestering the Alliance. Now I'm sure the Horde pesters the Alliance, but after level both sides to 60, I found the Alliance pesters the Horde A LOT more.

3. It seems to me that the Alliance has a lot more younger players then the Horde. And by younger I mean, 10 Years to 14 Years old. I think this might have something to do with the "Lord of the Rings" phenomanom. Where every little kid wants to play a Human/Elf/Dwarf. Now I have nothing against little kids, I have an 11 year old myself and he plays. (he plays both sides, but Allaince more, which supports my theory) With that said, I believe that more Mature minded people play the Horde, and in my opinion that makes for a more enjoyable play expireance. Sure there are younger kids that play Horde, but In my expirenace there are A LOT more on tha alliance. This can also been seen in the General Chat channel. There are a lot more imature things being said on the Alliance.

4. Taking what I said in #3 above, this would probably explain #1 and #2, maturity goes along way in an MMORPG.

5. After playing the Horde side, my wife and I deleted both our 60 charcters on the alliance, she has a lot more fun on the Horde. As do I. Also, IMHO the Alliance seemed to be more arrogant. Maybe this has something to do with the "lord of the Rings" syndrome - we're the "Good Guys" attitude. Granted, there is arrogance on both sides, just seen more of it on the Alliance. I think Mincemaker said it nicley, since the Alliance outnumbers the Horde, the Horde's arrogance only comes out when they beat the Alliance at soemthing. The "Ill talking" probably comes out on the Horde side becasue of what I said in #2 above, the whole "pestering" thing.

I know this was long winded, but I had to put my two cents in.

In closing, from what I have expirenced in over 2 years of playing both sides:

Horde = More mature and More helpful

Alliance = "lord of the rings" syndrome / Less mature / Less helpful.|||Quote:

First off, I've been playing for over 2 years now. I origianly started with a Horde Mage then a Horde shamen, both took to 60. The whole time my wife gave me a hard time about playing so much. Then I convinced to start playing. She really wanted to play Alliance and I couldn't stop her. So I created an Alliance Warrior and...

Dunno what you have been playing but your post matches my experiences to the letter. Reversed.|||Quote:

Dunno what you have been playing but your post matches my experiences to the letter. Reversed.

rofl aggreed|||You know i think im gonna quit this game..

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