Well, had one of the most fun WSG BGs I've had in a long time last night.
Alliance side had 2 druids flag running and a priest who knew what he was doing. They had a decent couple of rogues also. Their paladin seemed not too good at the start but he got better throught the game and they were gimped by having a lvl 30 mage (30-39 obviously) in their team.
Horde actually had to defend in depth with 3-4 defenders, 3-4 midfield and mainly me and rogue trying flag runs.
Flags were getting stolen left, right and centre - I had our flag stolen and a winning cap taken away from me when I was 10 yards from our flag spot. I managed to stop a druid capping to even the score at 2-2 when she was about 3 yards from capping. Our warlock got >100k damage over the duration of the BG.
The eventual score was 3-1 to Horde (but this seems unfair to alliance) after 1 hour 25 minutes of playing and finishing at 1am my time, 2am cet.
I think I can remember one being 1hr 45 mins a long time ago - anyone else can beat those times for duration?
/salute to alliance in Eonar Battlegroup on this game, its a BG I will remember for a long time.
38 Tauren Druid|||Awsome,
Glad you had fun and it wasn't a frustrating 'both sides defend' game.
I just finished one that had gone to 2 all we finally got the flag and a clear run for the flag carrier and the server went down for maintenence. So near and yet so far. :)
It's good when both sides are fairly evenly matched.|||cool.
I just whant to say i hate it when people stay in the middle however as i have found out it does help when the allience run out of the hords tunnel then sigh when they run into 4 horde players =P|||I have had games where both teams ended up turtling for a good hour...which is 100% pointless. With BOTH teams turtling, each team may send 1 or 2 players out to attempt to get the flag....and a 2 v 8 just isn't going to happen.
We finally broke through for the win...another rogue and I went for their flag. I went in first, (used my sprint to grab the flag then a speed potion to get further away...) but it was a tactic. I knew I wasn't going to live. So I dragged all 8 of them out of the flag room and all the way to the right corner of the map. I just stood there as all of them killed me. As soon as I was dead, they returned the flag to their base, where my rogue team mate was stealthed with his sprint cooled down, the boots on both sides ready to be used, and a speed potion at his ready for the mid run. The alliance were so far away from the tunnel he was more than home free.
I think that game was right around your same time...90 minutes or so.|||Yeah I hate turtles too... those are the games when I'm glad to be on my mage although it doesn't work quite as well since I specced out of frost and into fire :P
Run in down free action pot, grab flag, frost nova and blink out. Even better if speed boots are there. I always end up dying but getting the flag out of the flag room is what's important... whether it's so someone can pick up the flag and finish the run or to leave an empty flag room for someone else to take an unimpeded route after the flag is returned.|||Although this isn't an "epic wsg" tale, it is an epic 1v1 battle in wsg.
Last night I was on my twink, playing WSG. Score was 2-2. Neither team had that many twinks on it, but I recognized one name from their team. I told everybody before the game to attempt to stay away from her.
Anyways, score 2-2. I JUST picked up the flag. My entire team was dead in the GY or holding off the few alliance going for our flag. I grab the flag and see the twink I dread pop up behind me. She gets a few hits off, then blows her sprint to make sure I dont get the boots. I turn around (knowing I don't want to face her with my health already at 75%) and head to go ramp. When I get to the ramp-side, I look out across the entire BG. All I see is red. Some are looking back at me, others are heading into out base. I stop dead in my tracks. Hoping that my team will rez and bee-line straight for me so I don't have to go through all of them alone. Then I get hit. That darn rogue was there. We start going at it. Both of us have atleast 60% dodge, so each hit is seperated by a good 3 or 4 seconds of dodges. We are whittling eachother down at the same rate. All of our gouge attempts are dodged. At about 50% she popps evasion. Great. Over 100% dodge. So I pop mine too. We swing away and run around eachother and of course, nobody gets hit. We can't get behind eachother either. I have /lol keybound, so I use it. As does she. 15 seconds later, evasion finishes off. Now we are back to the 1 hit every 4 seconds again. Same thing....whittline eachother down at almost the same rate. At 10% she pops her AGM. (absorbs 750 to 1250 damage) I do the same. Once again, for 20 seconds, we are invincible to eachother. We get some more /lol's off. When that was done, we both health potted. Back up to about 25% health. We continue to whittle eachother down. A good 45 seconds later, I get the killing blow in. I am at 24 health. She remains on the ground, so I give her a /salute before looking out over the bg, hoping my team had cleared to her again. Nope. What I saw was all red. Any of them could have attacked me at any time. They didn't. I can only assume she called her team off. I would have done the same. About 2 seconds later, a warrior charged and 1 shotted me.
My team eventually lost the game, but THAT was a battle to remember.|||hmm i have had a few hour + battles, normally premade v premade
both teams have the flag in there base, trying to hold it while also trying to get theres back, which often can result in a long battle when neither team is prepared to commit men to the attack.
there normally the games that make me wish we had signed up for the basin instead :p|||Yeah, I normally leave WSG after 50 minutes or so, when I realise it's a stalmate and I could be there until the end of time.
At least with AB you know the maximum you'll be there for is around 40 minutes. May be they should have a time limit imposed on WSG. After all it's not healthy to be staring at the screen for more than 1 hour...|||Stigg, that sounds like it was an awesome 1v1 battle! Thanks for sharing the story.|||WSG should not last more than an hour. 30 minutes is pushing it. Its capture the flag, not pitch a tent and have the whole team camp in a flag room. If all your team is going to do is play defense you all deserve to be roundhouse kicked in the face for wasting 10-15 other peoples time.
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