Saturday, April 21, 2012

Where can i spend my honor?

I want to buy stuff with my honor but i dont know where :/

The Hall o champtions mostly offers high lvl gear.. im only 54 so is there another place i can buy gear with my honor ? someone told me in ashenvale but i didnt find it....|||Yes, you can spend honor elsewhere. If you go to the WSG/AB/AV entrances, you can find people selling items there. Sounds like you are alliance, so I will let an ally tell ya where to go. But, in general, it is far south in Ashenvale, directly west of themain road leading in.

AB is in Arathi highlands....that crater in the ground your faction calls a town, and AV is in Alterac Mountains, directly north of Hillsbrad.|||is there anywhere a list where it says where the honor vendors are?

becaus i saw an arathi vendor in arathihighlands and i saw 2 good armor parts i could buy but i wasnt sure if theres not somewhere a vendor who has better gear for me to buy....||||||ty thats very helpful

but do all vendors from arathi basin sell the same stuff?|||IIRC - there's only one vendor for each BG faction near each BG's main entrance. WSG in Ashenvalee, AV near cave entrance near SS, etc.|||Is there no Eye of the Storm vendor?

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