Saturday, April 21, 2012

Battleground Manners

I'm on a PVP server (Laughing Skull - Alliance) and love it. However, I am the first to admit that my PVP skills need some serious work and I've been trying to improve them.

Although I don't spend all my time in battlegrounds, I do try to occasionally go in and work on PVP, trying to improve, and I've noticed that I'm getting better and better each time as I have a better understanding of what works and what doesn't.

However, almost everytime I'm in a BG it seems that, in chat, all that is being said is how badly we suck, that we are idiots, have no clue what we're doing, etc. It happens so often that I've stopped enjoying going into them because I know that all that is going to happen is that those who are really skilled in PVP are going to trash those of us who are still learning.

Is this common on most servers?

Wouldn't it be more beneficial for those skilled players to offer advice (specifically) and help those that are learning so that, as a faction, we can improve in BG's instead of just saying, "You guys suck" repeatedly?|||It's easy to blame and criticize everyone, not so easy to lead them. Not to mention if they were to lead, you'd probably discover a lot of the trash talkers aren't exactly pros themselves, just a little more experienced than you. It's also really easy to forget that everyone was a clueless noob at one time.

I'd just grow some skin. WoW is a bit like the Internet, in that the anonymity turns a lot of people into loud, angry pricks who have always done everything perfectly. It'll never change, and if you can just ignore their pointless and comments you can still have a good time.

FWIW, I've seen people constantly whine about everyone sucking and make us lose the game even as we steamrolled the other side. Some people just have to complain all the time.|||Only the mediocre 14-year-old dorks say that crap in bg chat. Put them on ignore. They are not the top skilled players. Great PVP players don't need to pretend they are better.|||Quote:

Is this common on most servers?

First, trash talk isn't limited to BG's...And, it isn't often the experienced talking down to those who aren't...

Trash talk is done mostly by folks who need to feel superior, and they feel that way by trying to put others lower on the scale...

Don't let it bother you. Just do what you can, and figure out how to improve.

Above all, it is a game...Have fun!|||The crappiest is wen you go into a BG and the raid leader is afk botting.

Anywho, yes...people are going to be jerks. What you need to know is they are not, under any circumstance, cause you to suck. I talk in BG's only when I need to. If I am in WSG I tell players where our flag is, where their flag is, and that is it. In AB I only talk if MY position is being assaulted or if I see the enemy going towards another point. AV...I only talk to let epople know which target I will be pulling first., and then to remind them later which it is if need be.|||Quote:

The crappiest is wen you go into a BG and the raid leader is afk botting.

Anywho, yes...people are going to be jerks. What you need to know is they are not, under any circumstance, cause you to suck. I talk in BG's only when I need to. If I am in WSG I tell players where our flag is, where their flag is, and that is it. In AB I only talk if MY position is being assaulted or if I see the enemy going towards another point. AV...I only talk to let epople know which target I will be pulling first., and then to remind them later which it is if need be.

How does one become the battlegroup leader? I found myself in this position twice last night unintentionally. Not sure if it was just because I joined first or some other reason.|||The first joiner does indeed become BG leader.|||I'm not gonna lie, I have done my share of trash talking, but it is usually out of frustration. I led successful premades all the time on my main, and so when I would venture on to an alt to do some AB or WSG, I would attempt to lead the raid. Most people won't listen to good tactics and will do whatever they want. I am usually pretty patient with it too, but after nine or ten games of losing exactly the same way because people don't want to listen, I'll drop my frustrations and go to a diff character. >< I know, it's terrible. I just can't stand to watch 10+ people fight on the roads in AB, or to watch the entire team fight outside the tunnel in WSG. I have no problem losing when people are trying to win, or ask for advice because they are new. I love to help out new players. You never know, they might just be the best player at their class but haven't realized it yet. I would much rather that person be my friend and be possible to run in an organized group with them than to not.|||Agreed about ppl "you ppl suck"ing throughout BG's. Generally they are the ones suck'ing! I never trash talk people in BG's but I will say what we have done wrong (IE, "you guys NEED to follow the FC" or "when you see the FC on low health... PLEASE HEAL HIM!"). Im not the best PVP'r in the game so im in no position to trash ppl but the one thing I cannot let slide though is logging into a BG and seeing level 40's or 41's playing... I always PST them telling them to AFK out.

Please read this if you are new to bg's;

Number one in Battleground Manners is...... Do Not play bg's unless you are a high level in that particular level bracket. I think the earliest you can play is no lower than level x6. where x is your level bracket, ie) level 36+, 46+. I think its rude to play earlier than that and you seriously disadvantaging your factions team.|||I understand the pain. I do a little PvP. The last time I did WSG(Horde) no one was working as a team, everyone was doing there own thing. Three different people were trying to give directions and criticize what everyone else was doing. Although there was one glimmer of hope, the one time we got the ally flag to our base was a warlock and myself (shammy).

They had us down 2-0, I went above the ally flag room so I could see down into it. A couple of fellow horde ran in grabbed the flag and left out of the upper door. I could see the defenders follow and apparently there were more outside waiting. I dropped down to the room just in time to see the flag materialize, grab it and run. I headed for the tunnel just as the warlock dropped into the room from where I had come from. He gave me space to make the run back. As I am coming out of the tunnel, one of the people mentioned above starts to bash me for taking the tunnel "NO ONE USES THE F****** TUNNEL." He went on telling me how stupid I was for not using the upper door. The warlock then chimed in and gave the reason for taking the tunnel and pointed out the fact that the person criticizing had just died using the route he wanted me to take. We held the flag for as long as we could at our base, but the rest could never get it in one sock enough to get our flag back. Hence, a lose for us.

Like I said the upside was finding someone mature and that had your back.

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