Saturday, April 21, 2012

Ever had this happen?

I was playing on an old alt, 38 mage, in the BGs yesterday and had an alliance warrior from another server create a toon on my server specifically to namecall me and say how he could own me in a 1 vs 1 and how I needed a team to kill anything.

Funny thing was about 5 minutes later we met up in AB (on a 1 vs 1) and after a sheep/pyro/FB combo with some added other nukes he was running like a little girl to try and get back to his team-mates - needless to say I took great pleasure in burning him down from behind as he ran off

Neither of us twinked (he didn't have enough health to be a twink) and mage has PvP blues and "of the eagle" in most slots.

Ahh, thought I'd share this from a late night AB also yesterday - 15-8 Alliance to Horde numbers for the whole battle. Alliance failed to cap 5 nodes for the whole match and only won in the end about 2000-1300, horde even maged to get 3-2 bases a few times when playing 15 vs 8. That has to be one of the most appalling alliance AB teams I have ever seen.

I had 2 alliance (one a hunter) chase me from ST, to BS (pick up health buff), back to ST, up into Alliance building by GY (bandage), back to BS (health potion), drop down into GM to finally die from guards at GM - and I almost killed the chasing hunter when they lost health form the drop (I slow-falled) I was laughing my head off the whole time - blazing speed talent in the fire tree is a nightmare for ambushing rogues or hunters

Just wanted to share the second story, but anyone have the first happen to them?|||Never had that happen. But this is an excellent example of someone taking the game a little too seriously.|||I've seen some wannabe twinks from some crappy twink guilds come on and complain to me and members of my guild after we stomp them.

I like to egg them on and then put them on ignore so they waste their time coming up with some big comeback only to find out that I don't really care.|||I've had people play Alliance members up to level 49 just to sit in AB and harass people. They would name-call, call out false info, and sit there and fish the whole time.

Can you say "l2getalifeandstopbeinganasshole"?|||I got called out quite a lot. The best one was this rogue twink who said he could "wtfpwn" me. (I pissed off his guild and he was their best twink...) Anyways...we got into an arena match against eachother...2v1. I killed his friend then just stood there. he couldn't hit me. I would /dance, /lol, anything....and he would get about 1 out of 10 hits on me. I finally started /sit'ing to make him be able ot hit me and when I was down to 10% life from just doing that, I finally started attacking. I actually ended up with 16% life at the end of the fight do to LS'ing procs.

Of I expected...I got the whole "ZOMG Magepriest (my twinks name) hax!" Which about 15 people responded with "LOL nope...he doesnt"

Calling people out is ridiculous...unless you KNOW you can beat them. I have done it once and only once....but that was to a 51 hunter against my 60 epicd mage.|||I love it when the wannabe's think they can hang with the real players.

About a month ago, I logged on with my twink warrior, no new upgrades from TBC yet. I am checking my bank and getting ready to regear when some chump tells me to join their guild or get out of their turf. I tell them I'm happy with the guild I'm. They say our guild is dead and that they are the new king's of the hill. I laugh and nicely explian to them taht as soon as my guild members are done with their mains, their guild will get squashed.

He challenges me to a duel (rogue)

I beat him 3 times in a row, none of which are close. In the last one I hamstring kite him for nearly 3 mins with my fist weapon that I save for noobs. he complains about the number of weapon procs and tells me to face their best rogue. I mop the floor with him twice and then their guild leader gets on (warrior)

i beat him 3 times in a row, with 2handers, while he's got a 500 hp advantage, along with some armor pots, and onyxia buff. He challenges me to a 1h/shield duel. I didn't have lifesteal on my Shadowfang, so this one is a little close. i decide to get serious and drop some tricks on him. I finish the duel by disarming him. He whines and curses about how disarm is cheap in a duel.

One of their other warriors comes out to see what the commotion is all about. he has an alt who used to be in my guild, but, left because the inactivity. When he comes out and sees me he laughs at his new guildies cuz they didn't know who they were messing with. I let him know the guild is coming back in a week, he /gquits and I reinvite him right there on the spot. Puts on his old tabbard and we just laugh while they /spit, /rude, etc.

Their guild now consists of 4 people in the 19 bracket, 2 in the 29 and 3 in 39................some are actually the same person.

lamers ftl

i wish people would be honest with themselves. I know that there are twinks out their who are better than me. I tip my hat to them when they can take me straight up. No need to be a jerk. I really don't get why people get all worked up over a game.|||Quote:

IOf I expected...I got the whole "ZOMG Magepriest (my twinks name) hax!" Which about 15 people responded with "LOL nope...he doesnt"

I'm not good enough to be accused of hax. LOL

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