Saturday, April 21, 2012

Battle grounds

I think battle grounds should be just pvp however in AV there are creatures. Now i have played AV a few times and seen lvl 51s getting killed by these lvl 52 goats/rambs

So i was just wondering if you think BGs should be pure pvp?|||I totally agree. I've done heaps of WSG and AB, but I did AV once and gave up.

I was in AV for a good 10 minutes before I met any "opposition", which turned out to be NPCs and gave no HK... I was expecting a 40 man slaughter-fest (sigh).

But then again if they remove AV, Alliance will never win anything...|||Why take the best grinding spot from 51-54 out of the game?

Nah, I loved AV. Sure, there may not be as many pvp encounters as in the others, but it still is a raiding experience for players that don't raid. And it does kind of combine raiding with PVP. Nothing is more epic than taking out the main tank for the final encounter only to see your general take out every healer in the room, and sub sequentially, every body else.|||ive always been a fan of AV, even back when it really was a NPC fest.

if you think its npc filled now, its nothing like what it used to be..

plus if they removed all the npcs what would be the objective, since to win you have to kill the boss npc.

i always felt that AV should have that epic battle feel, which it used to have when there was lots of npc, as well as the 40 opponants.

at least onmy server we had some great battle pre linked BG, remember abattle that went on days on end.

Av now is just a race to the opponants boss, thats worse then the npc fest imo.

of course the epic battles are not honor efficient in the way its rated now.|||I think by design the AV BG is simply awfull. You got your 10 man WSG; Three entrance to base and a large field to maneouver in. Then the 15 man AB, again lots of different approaches and ways around to any place. Then comes the grand finale, Blizz makes a 40 man BG and apparently thinks; Lets make a long narrow line so both sides will be stuck forever... And they did.

I played around in 51-60 AV a few games recently and its a sad story now. I was overoptimistically hoping I could grind one of the warlords twohanders before heading to Outlands. Took me an hour to settle with; well at least I want Don Julio before I leave this chaos. Another hour and I was there because I needed the last honor for my PvP trinket.

It`s a 25 vs 25 now in my group, levels from 51 to 60, with most nearer 51. These small raids of people who dont know AV can hardly take down a 63 elite like Drekk or Van even if there weren`t an opposing faction there. So its a huge frustration running around seeing these small skirmishes here and there and not knowing if the game is even gonna finish within the next hours or days or whatever.|||I liked the PTR AV's back when they were doing the talent updates and gave us premades. The Allies and Horde never went past each other, and they fought to the death no matter what. I will admit, with the way things are now, that is just a waste of time, since they changed how much honor you get for each AV. But those were fun, full-filled events. There you could really see who was better then who, ie. who was the better healer in the group, who was the better mage, tank, rogue, hunter, etc. just by watching. I liked those AV's, back when the old system was in place. Now its better just to advance, have 15 min avs and get into another. Sad, sad times.|||Quote:

It`s a 25 vs 25 now in my group, levels from 51 to 60, with most nearer 51. These small raids of people who dont know AV can hardly take down a 63 elite like Drekk or Van even if there weren`t an opposing faction there. So its a huge frustration running around seeing these small skirmishes here and there and not knowing if the game is even gonna finish within the next hours or days or whatever.

it wasnt much better in AV 61-70 when i was last in, think it was around 15-20 either side, while we managed to take down Belinda- who is a lot tougher now- but alliance wiped time and time again on Galvanger.

untill the games get back to 40-40 its not going to be worth going, since getting the marks, your only hope is that everyone afks out so the game has to end.|||Next thing you know, you will say remove the ponds so i cant fish there anymore :P|||Yes but you cant die in fishing can you and im just sticking up for all the low lvls that get killed by goats when there trying to play a battle ground. Blizzard should atleast make it so you get attacked by them when you attack them not when you get close to them. Im still gona do AV but its just for the black war mount and pvp epic armor.|||im glad i still have a whole bunch of AV marks from pre TBC, means i wont have to go in there that often.

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