I've only recently really started setting goals for PvP rewards; I've done all the BGs while leveling at least some, but it was more to get used to new macros, mods, etc.
It seems Alliance in my battle group lose most of the time. The recent AV weekend being an exception that was a nice change.
It seems I usualy get less than 100 honor points in every BG (assuming we lose, which is typical) with the eception of AV, in which it will be 250+ if we lose, nearly double that if we win.
Is AV really that much more profitable in terms of honor points? Assuming no real turtles of games, the 30 min AV game is still well worth it. It's just so horidly boring to run this BG (basicaly a PvE race with some PvP interjected)over and over is a tough grind, and to get 3-4 pieces that are 17K honor each.... will pretty much suck.
Am I missing anything simple here? Is this the most efficient route (assuming I can't get into a pre-made) just to AV until I start to pull my hair out, then take a break, rinse and repeat?
Barry|||Assuming you win each game in their normal run times, WSG yields the most honor per hour. But, it seems that Alliance win nearly every AV (which we won't even discuss), it may be better to just farm that.
That being said, if you are on around peak time, you can generally spam trade channel that you are a healing priest LFG for WSG on a premade, and get in most of the time. You should be able to get a hell of a lot more honor doing that than anything else.|||AV is generally going to be your fastest way to accrue honor. As most of the games in my battlegroup are over within 30 mins or less.
If you're having issues with loosing try a couple things:
1) Wait till a different time of the day or evening
2) If you get a couple bad groups in a row - wait about 10 mins then join up again to get yourself out of a possible bad rotation as you could be going into the BG's with newly geared or under geared people.
I do AV's for my honor 99% of the time until there's a Call to Arms week for a different BG and then I'll do that one for a while b/c of the bonus honor that you get during those weeks.
Check here for those Holiday/Call to Arms schedules:
|||Av is the best, just do the others if you need tokens from them.|||This is based on pure PUGgage.
in terms of honour
AV > AB / EotS > WSG
AB and EotS are somewhat interchangeable since they partially share the same mechanics. I'd think EotS might edge out slightly as you're likely to get more honour kills there.
In terms of Premades
AV* / AB / EotS / WSG
There's two caveats here
1) AV is rather difficult to make a premade for and requires voice chat or a specific add on.
2) WSG -can- be better honour than AB/EotS, but the danger there is that there's no set 'timer' in which the game will end, whilst AB/EotS will pretty much always have resources accumulating and thus ending at some point.|||Thanks for the tips all...
It's almost all pugage for me in BGs...
I'll look for WSG premades in chat channels...
great link xdark... I really should read around the blizz site more... great info...
AV it will be... all to get some nice +stam gear that doesn't cripple other stats too hard... just so I can arena better... just so I can get arena gear for PVE.... it's a long trail back to PvE... but it's there...
Barry|||The healing neckpiece for pve [item]Veteran's Pendant of Salvation[/item] is a real low piece of hanging fruit.
Compare it to this item [item]Teeth of Gruul[/item]
Now, compare the difficulty in obtaining either. Not only do you have to down gruul you have to compete against the other healers.
Honestly, if you have pmc the pvp neck is a much better fit.|||I am curious what rewards you are looking at Barry. I agree with Rgirty above. Seems like the best bang for your buck is with trinkets, and gems, the smaller stuff.
I was getting all ready to get the priest belt. I am shadow and misread the stats. I thought the +dmg pvp reward was ~+66 but that is the healing, the +dmg belt ended up being something like +36, comparable to what I had. I ended up getting the +12 dmg red gem, and the ring of dominance that had +dmg bonus.
It would be cool if one could get armour pieces that had less stam and + more damage or healing. I guess that would suck for those who prefer pvping to instances.|||rgirty, yes, i have the neckpiece you linked (I really gota figure out how to link like that btw). Adding some +stam to pmc is nice. The main hand item I use now is "Runed Dagger of Solace" which was a drop in bot; it has +227 heal, +24 stam, and +21 reslience. I have almost bought the essence focuser a number of times for the mp5, but I would have to gain the +sta back somewhere else, so I'll just hang onto my dagger for a while I suppose.
Tsacha, I'm a holy spec priest, the +heal gear with the nice stamina won't replace my PvE stuff, it's more for arena (and a few cases where it makes sense to replace what I had, such as the neckpiece rgirty linked). I had thought about +dmg gear to build a damage set (I'm also saving mats for FSW set, in case I decide to switch to shadow), but it didn't seem like it was worth the effort.
Bascialy I'm looking at a lot of the Venterans pieces... i want the arena healing mace, so I'm spending my LFG time in BGs... so I can get the arena healing mace, so I can have a rocking main hand for PVE.
One serious limitation to my itemization is I don't raid; my schedule just doesn't work with most guilds, and the one it does work with I don't work out with....
BTW, rgirty, do you know a good off hand I should go for... I don't think I'll have higher rep with anyone than revered anytime soon though. My current off hand is my last green left over from leveling... it is +18 int, 7mp5...
Barry|||Barry, are you still referring to PVP? If not, taking a refresher at this thread: http://wow.incgamers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=400154 would be a great start.
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