Saturday, April 21, 2012

Basic, and I mean BASIC, bg/pvp questions

I participated in my first bg experience last night in AB. It was also my first real pvp. I have a 49 warrior with a two-handed polearm. While not necessarily twinked for pvp, I have decent gear.

Of course I contributed little to the matches. I'm still unfamiliar with the terrain, although I've learned the basic strategy concepts from this forum.

What was a bigger surprise was getting waxed in one on one pvp. I lost just about every one-on-one skirmish. I recognize twinking might contribute to that, but I seemed to be at a clear disadvantage in two regards: player movement and hot keys.

My questions for the experts are:

1. With regard to movement, do you have the left hand on WASD and the right on the mouse? I was amazed at how people were able to maneuver their toon and still strike blows. What's the most effective way to increase maneuverability?

2. What do you hotkey besides the action bar? Also, are you using the mouse at all to use skills/cast spells? Seems like I can only reach 1-4 without taking my eyes off the screen.

3. For my warrior, I stayed in Battle Stance and have the following skills on my action bar:
  1. Charge (inoperable in bg? It never worked.)

  2. Hamstring

  3. Heroic strike

  4. Mortal strike

  5. Execute

  6. Battle Shout

  7. Sweeping strike

What am I missing?

Standing toe-to-toe and trading licks works for PvE but is laughable in pvp. What can I do to increase my maneuverability and effectiveness?|||I use wasd with my left and mouse with the right and it works just fine. Remember to strafe a lot. People like to run around like crazy so that you cant get them in front of you. It's an effective method, you just have to learn to manage it. Have you played any FPS? This is like a watered down FPS. You will have to react much quicker than pve. I only have 4 hotkeys I use, the rest comes from just clicking. Keep practicing, learn the maps, and stay with a group at all times, especially as you're learning.

Charge should work, I don't think you can do it if you're already in combat though. I could be wrong but I thought that's how it worked and I always try to hit a warrior before they can do that.|||ESDF > WASD. It provides extra buttons at your fingertips, without moving your hands around (making your pinky useful, instead of useless). In addition, use your mouselook to turn instead of a key. Standing and spinning will surely get you killed.

Otherwise, keybindings are personal preference. I have no problems multitasking the number keys with my movement keys, but I come from all the old FPS games, and adapted the playstyle to MMOs years ago. Id suggest relearning how to move first. Then slowly add in hotkeys for special skills second, otherwise youll hands will be confused with the number of changes, and you wont be able to master any one thing.|||make sure you get out of combat as quickly as possible once you are done killing need to be out of combat to charge

Intercept and Overpower should be on your hotbar as they are two of the most important skills for a warrior.

I like to click myself. I have every stance specific ability set with a macro to either use the ability on the first click (if in the appropriate stance) or it will take me into the appropriate stance with the first click and then the second click will perform the ability.

Hamstring everything!!!|||cant comment on warriors, but in general, i use wasd for movement(though use mouse for turning quick when needed.

i have 1 to = with spells bound though the later ones (6 to = are less used spells)

i have a few spaced around my WASD that i use more regularly, im a shaman so have my grounding totem as X and my warstomp as C, both easy to get to.

then i also have 3 buttons on my mouse for regular used spells.

just helps cut down on time, though its not the be all and end all, plenty of people do great as a clicker, though some will mock you for it, never really understood why really, if you can own as a clicker more power to you

in regards to your 1v1s, that could simply be practice, while you were having your first time as a pvper the people you were fighting could be regulars at that level who are fighting hours on end and who know there chars back to front.

just practice and you will start making progress, of course gear will also help, but then gear alone wont help same as skills alone wont do it, its a bit of both.|||I use the mouse to move and my left hand for hotkeys. PvP in WoW takes practice, it takes time to learn. Do what is natural for you and what you find to be the fastest and you'll get better the more you play.

You'll definitely want to keep your hotkeys in mind every time you play PvP. I am constantly adjusting my hotkeys for faster, easier skill activation. If you find you use one ability ALOT, it should be hotkeyed to button 1 (or what ever.) Etcetera Etcetera.|||These are all great suggestions. I've definitely picked up a few things I intend to try. Thanks.|||Your 2 most commonly used abilities should have the hotkeys 2 and 3 as that's the easiest to reach. I'd suggest your best dmg-strike on 2 (MS, HS, WW, whatever) and hamstring on 3.

4 is where I got my charge, intercept, and shield block buttons (shield block is useful if intercept is cooling and you're fighting a hunter.. other than that..)

1 is Rend to REALLY piss off rogues :D

Oh and here's the big secret to effective PvPing: Q and E

What I've done is that I bound those to the 11th and 12th slot on your main hotbar - so that they'll switch with your stances - and then put the 2 stances I'm not currently in into them. Well, actually I got those on ctr+Q and ctrl+E, but if you're not used to keybindings u'd prolly not want combinations too soon..

Anyway, while strafing and turning is extremely important in PvP, you will, as I said, be turning. This will be done by holding in your right mousebutton. While you're holding your right mousebutton, A and D will make you strafe, so you don't need Q and E.

Other than that, with some training you should be able to reach as far at 6, Y, G, and V from you normal WASD position, so, although u might want to keep V on its standard bindings, you should bind all the keys in this area to something. Don't be affraid to use ctrl, shift, or alt for your rarely used abilities, and make sure to put your long cooldowns somewhere out of the way to not accidently triggering them (I'd suggest Y or even Ctrl+Y).|||On my hunter i am generally set up for PvE, but my PvP setup is:

~: Eagle Eye (likely gonna change soon)

1: Start Fire (useful for when i cant right click the player and im LOM)

2: Wing Clip

3: Meleeing Macro (Spams Raptor+mongoose)

4: Multishot

5: Intimidation

6: Frost Trap

7: Feign Death

8: Strongest Bandage on Target Self Macro

9: Strongest Bandage

0: Second-Strongest Bandage

-: Food

=: Water

Q: Arcane Shot

E: Serpent Sting

R: Mend Pet (Need to rebind this)

Z: Hunter's Mark

X: Concussive shot

V: Flare

F: Freeze Trap

T: Rapid Fire


+E: Mount

+Q: Viper Sting

+R: BW

I am a BM spec at present, but those are the bindings I use and i never find that anything is too far out of reach to be used when it is needed. My normal positions are left hand on WASD with ring and pointer resting on Q and E. Thumb near the X/C keys. Right hand is on mouse, generally with right click or left click doing something actively at all times to allow me to react and look without hesitation.

So far i haven't felt the desparate need to use ctrl+key bindings as of yet, but i suppose once i get into my MM spec it will be necessary.


Rebind A and D to be strafe left/right and UNBIND the walk hotkey at "/" on the numpad. It causes hellish problems if youre going for that numlock button.

If you have a mouse with extra buttons, USE THEM!!!

Assign the ~ key to a skill that you need to have at ready access but will only use situationally, for example, i bind "Eagle Eye" to this, later on I expect that my Trinkets will be bound to ~ and ctrl+~.|||Quote:

So far i haven't felt the desparate need to use ctrl+key bindings as of yet, but i suppose once i get into my MM spec it will be necessary.

My smallest finger (dunno English name) wasn't doing anything anyway, so figured I'd use it for combos. Especially handy as I use combos for both freezing trap, and all stings except serpent (a bit of a flaw when you need to remove serpent sting before trapping an enemy, but I do OK with it) - hard to jump and hold Alt at same time, isn't it?


Assign the ~ key to a skill that you need to have at ready access but will only use situationally, for example, i bind "Eagle Eye" to this, later on I expect that my Trinkets will be bound to ~ and ctrl+~.

On your keyboard, is ~ the key next to Z, or the key next to 1?

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