Saturday, April 21, 2012

A New (for me) Strategy in the BGs

Mentioning this in another thread made me want to discuss it a bit:

It may be a well known tactic for all I know...I have only played WoW since December...but one I am finding extremely effective. Since twinks are so prevalent these days, and so many people dislike them and want to kill them, I saw an opportunity to take advantage. I have created a quasi-twink

Here is how it works:

I first saved up 2 gold to visit the AH. This is fairly simple to do. Once there I searched for the coolest looking armor I could find. In this case I found all of the Burnished mail pieces. Appearance is important here. Then find the meanest looking weapon you can find, and get whatever glowing enchant you can on it. Put all of this together and you *look* like a twink.

Now you are ready to take advantage of those who will hate you. You really don't have to do very much...just act like a twink. Rush the first one you see that you know will be an easy kill. The others will gang up on you. Once you have everyone's attention, draw them away and out of the fight. The second part of this tactic is to inform all your teammates that you will be drawing the enemy to <left/right> side, so that the FC can go the opposite direction. This strategy will only work once or twice, so you have to get it right :)

I have gotten quite good at it, and usually play head games for a bit first. I pick up the flag a couple times so they know I am bold. Then I charge them in groups. Such acts of boldness make them think I know something they don't...and I have a shiny weapon to prove it. So far this has yet to fail, except against premades. For them I have better gear that I swap out with.|||that's a nice thought in theroy.

Couple problems:

The veteran twinks will not bother with you since they know who the real threats are.

The wannabe twinks will chew through your hps too fast for you to be a distraction long enough to matter.

Most twinks know what all the weapon enchants look like. You're not fooling anyone with beastslaying.

if you really want to piss twinks off, play a hunter or mage. Hunters can kite for days. Mages can string together sheep, frost nova, and frost bolt to lock down anything

if you have better gear, why don't you use that at all times? If you are drawing your opponents to you, you should try taking some out or keeping them distracted longer. I see no reason to gear down, if you already have better gear.

I have used the tactic you describe, but, I have 1900+ hps and the AGM pretty easy to occupy the entire eenmy team with that. If I get some heals...........horde better look out.|||All depends on my mood. I like doing this because it gives me the satisfaction of tricking people a bit. Being a RPer, I usually go for a balance of looks and functionality. The gear I use normally for PVP has nowhere near the cool factor that the lower armor does.

I actually stumbled upon this method during a match. We are up against a fairly easy opponent so I decided I had some play time. So I put on my RP armor, and everyone started running at me. After playing around with it a bit, I found that it was my appearance that caused them to chase me.

Yes, it will not fool thw twinks as much, but it has for me enough to use it. Like I said, this only works once or twice, but if it does, that one cap may be enough to win. I usually don't get torn up, even by twinks, because I am smart enough to lead them on a chase and not stand toe-to-toe. Once they catch me I am done in seconds, but that has bought us some time.

The strategy is not one that is 100%, it was just a phenomonon I thought pretty cool. It has worked for me every time I used it (I don't use the beastslayer enchant), and usually ends up gaining some applause from my teammates. Once I use it, then I change and start fighting for real. I find that with PUGs, getting the first cap is a huge advantage from a morale standpoint, especially if it happens quickly, so there are other benefits to this.

EDIT: since I don't want to be a twink, I like to do this so that the enemy kicks themselves in the rear for wasting their time with me. I am the sheep in wolf's clothing, but when I gear up for real, I can hang with the rest of them.|||i have a 19 mage and its tons of fun to kite someone around...or just keep em sheeped/novad in there flagroom for minutes.

and we can all tell what gear your using, what weapons etc|||Apparently the people in my battlegroup have trouble with it has yet to fail :) Or maybe there is another reason I am always drawing 5 of them off to the side of the map away from the fight

Oh is doomed to fail eventually, but at least I have had my fun with it.|||If it's helping you win bg's then that's great.

Some twinks are not actually in there to win. I'm not trying to burst your bubble, but, they may just be chasing you cuz they want to kill you and you are an easy kill when you put on your weaker gear.

I also kinda question the skill and gear of the "twinks" you are playing against. Gearing down vs twinks in my battlegroup is suicide.

Still, i think congratulation are in order for someone who has the fortitude to stand against twinks and not complain.|||Usually it is the normal players that chase the heck out of me, not the twinks as much. I actually look at twinks as a way to get creative. You cannot win in direct combat, so you must find a creative way to do it. I guess that is where I benefit from having a rogue forces me to always think outside the box.

I come from playing one of the very first MMORPGs, where rogues (or in that game, thieves) are the most underpowered and overlooked classes in the game. They were added as an afterthought and developed very little after that. Playing the underdog like that has led me to think in a crafty kind of way, and use unconventional tactics to win. The tactic I am now using is a double-edged sword...the normal players sometimes think I am a twink, and the twinks see me as easy prey. Either way, mission accomplished.

I am, however, almost ready to jump into the 20-29 bracket, where this will be obsolete. Given the new abilities introduced in that bracket, I will be nothing more than easy honor if I do this, so on to finding another sneaky strategy|||Owlx, we don't have to disparage someone for trying something new, especially if it works.

Sly, that's great that you've found a new way to help your team out. Bravo. At least your trying. I've been in quite a few BG's lately where one or two alliance on my team is there just to get a token, so they'll afk in a corner, come touch the keyboard every few minutes and not have to actually do anything. Needless to say, it's tough enough playing with 5 level 31 alliance vs the horde, but when you're doing it only 8vs.10, it makes it even harder.

I actually use a somewhat similar tactic, when it benefits my team. I've incorporated it into my bad of tricks. One of the best tools to figure out if your tactic is working is the target of your target feature that you can turn on in the interface menu. You can tell all the people that have you targeted, and can then lead them away. Many people in BG's are almost like NPC's, as in when they see you, no matter what else is happening they'll go after you (as if you have agro on them).

Anyways, I'm a twink in the 30-39 bracket and after a while of them knowing that I can knock the crap out of them I'll eventually find myself outnumbered. Oh, here's their big chance to put a hurt on the bid, bad 39 twinked warrior. Let's all go get her! So then I'll just run away, to some disparate corner of the map that takes 3-4 of them completely out of play. In terms of the game, this is just as good as killing all of them, as they won't be a factor for 30 seconds at least. I really like running to the ramp side, horde side, into the hills back there. There's a ton of space, some bushes, and it's so out of the way of the rest of the game that if they come back there, i've done my job.|||WTF PTiger???

did you miss the sentance where I said he should be congratulated?

In my experiences (within a highly competitve twink battlegroup) this strategy is not going to work very well in 19 wsg unless you can occupy a lot of players or one key player for a long time. Gearing down to do this doesn't help. And I will again state that this is the reality in my battlegroup. IN MY BATTLEGROUP If you are not a threat, good players will not bother with you.

i still gave him props. Most people would come here and simply cry about twinks instead of taking pleasure in being a punching bag for twinks.

Sly- Actually i think you will find more success with this in AB. If you can occupy yoru opponent at one place, you can free up the main force to attack someplace else..........getting everyone on the same page will take some work, but, your tactics can still be usefull.|||I was speaking to your first post. You came out with negativity as to why his strategy wouldn't work, when he's already told you that it does work. It's as if your telling Alexander Graham Bell that the theory of the telephone is flawed because in your neck of the woods, it wouldn't work. Your second post is much better.

FWIW I agree with you about AB. It would and does work there too.

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