Wednesday, April 18, 2012

AV is completely ridiculous

The problem is AV has no actual PvP, why the hell would a pvper want to do a PvE race OVER AND OVER for dozens of hours. When half your team is already afk why even try hard? Bliz should bring back some form of the old av and make kills worth more then stupid objectives.

I stopped playing AV some time ago because it I just can't handle the aggravation anymore. In my battlegroup alliance defend SH GY and force a turtle. The horde ALWAYS fight up to SPGY along the low road. We are lucky if we cap SP GY before the game is over. There are usually a minimum of 10 AFKers - usually 15 to 20.

If they increase honour for HKs, reduce bonus honour by 60% and allow tokens to be traded for additional honour I think there would be enough incentives for people to join the battle and try to win. We would have the epic AV battles of the past so sitting in a cave for 4 hours for 80 honour and one token would make people leave the cave.

The problem is AV sucks. I don't join a battleground to watch people run past each other so we can kill NPCs. I don't like doing that out in the normal realm areas and I'll be damned if I do it in a Battleground. Sadly that 'style' of play (You know, where you attack and kill the opposing faction) doesn't work well in AV.

Get rid of Vanndar and Drek, make it a capture and hold king of the base or something, anything.|||It's been this way since...

Well, ever since it was introduced and even more so since it was adapted by removing pretty much half the NPCs.

Don't enjoy a war sized PvP map with PvE objective, go play outside. Even Capture the Flag or hold the Node are PvE objectives. (Don't try n tell me that defending LM is all that exciting.)

If you don't like it, stay out. Noone is forcing you in there.

Will, however, agree with you on the account of AFK-bots, which I suppose pretty much anyone other than said AFK-bots would.|||But it gives great honor! And dont fight for SH GY, then the game will just be even longer :)|||I am horde, and on my battlegroup, it is typical in the 70 bracket, alliance wins 98+% of all AV games, and 25ish horde sit in the cave the whole 20 minute game (I am over exaggerating, but it is ridiculous how many do that). On my rogue, I play D, just to spite the afkers who want quick quick games, and to put up a fight at least.

There is a strange occurance on our battlegroup though, and that is that the 51-60 bracket, horde dominates, winning about 85% of all AV games, and the horde side will have at most 5 afkers, but most times, only 2 or 3. Alliance still has some severe terrain advantages, and it is frustrating trying to tear thru their defense to win the game, but for the most part, the horde outclass and outgear the allies in that bracket.

My druid just finished collecting 160 marks there (50 for my frostwolf mount, 110 for all the 70 pvp gear I will want (well, could be 220 if I wanted to get a boomkin set also, but for now, just my feral pvp set). Now, I won't have to go thru with the AV grind at 70 later unless I want to get the moonkin set, and if I do decide to one day spec moonkin, I will most likely get the other pieces first before I get the av ones haha... Took about a week to get all the tokens I needed, and now I can finally level, having gotten a bunch of exp from av alone, and even more rested. I should level fairly fast at first thanks to that.

I actually kinda enjoyed AV for once, but it was mostly because we won alot I think.|||Bossman this is like your 4th thread now against pvp factors of wow......av is fun when its a group of 70s and all you want are marks and honor|||Quote:

Don't try n tell me that defending LM is all that exciting.

It can be if you're playing in a highly competitive game.|||Quote:

It can be if you're playing in a highly competitive game.

It will be veeery fun if five or more comes over trying to take the LM or any node every minute or so. Or even better, they split their forces to thin out our defense, and we scramble to cope. That is VERY fun.

I actually prefer AB over AV, due to the opportunity to kill players rather than NPC.|||Quote:

The problem is AV has no actual PvP


ummmmm maybe you should try D once and a while - I've had some of my "epic" battles in AV on D with like 5 other people as we try to stop the surging Horde from coming over the bridge (picture you and a couple of dudes and some NPC's hanging out waiting . . . here they come . . .like a wall of red . . . 30 players headed right at you (lets say 10 are afk lol). . . people take their stategic positions and the fighting begins as wave after wave try to cross the bridge (sub Horde: run up the ramp)) . . . I've had some seriously memorable PvP moments in AV and I've been PvPing long before WoW (this why there's D and O - in the case of AV - D is the PvP "O" so to speak . . . where the "O" is fighting NPC's and the "D" is fighting players.

I love AV cause that's where I go to farm my honor (love AV weekends) unless I don't have much time, which if that's the case I'll do a "timed" BG like AB or EOTS. But on a weekend or early evening I can get like 1200 honor in less than hour there (if the AFKers aren't bad lol)

Different strokes for different folks - IMO I'm glad that they have such a varied offering of BG's to suit one's taistes.|||You know, every time I play D, I'm reminded of 300. Simply epic.|||Quote:

The problem is AV has no actual PvP, why the hell would a pvper want to do a PvE race OVER AND OVER for dozens of hours.

Because if you are alliance its a free 500 pts of honor and free 700 pts of honor on bonus weekends for a 20 minute game.

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