Saturday, April 14, 2012

BG frustration

[:1]I'm a 70 hunter, MM specked. I've been doing a lot of BGs lately and getting frustrated...I keep getting killed alot. I do okay at range, but I keep getting squashed by rogues and warriors when they get close enough to melee (well, warriors of course they wear plate) I don't have many resources to keep them off me. I know I can work on my skills using my various abilities, but it seems to me that those who dominate BGs are just better equipped. It's taking very long time to grind out those honor points to get better stuff and I'm afraid I'll just get tired grinding and constantly getting killed and give it all up. I've got a bunch of greens and blues, and a purple bow. I know that people that play alot (hours and hours a day) have an advantage of having the time to amass a lot of purple gear in BGs and instances. Grinding for gold is more frustrating, there isn't much of that level of gear available at the AH and it's very expensive...repeating daily quests gets boring after you've done the same one about 10 times.

Does anybody have some advice for my general frustration?

Could respeccing my Hunter give him more survivability? With MM my pet is weak and so am I.

Thanx, sorry for the whine. I like the fight, but I feel I'm letting my faction down by getting killed so often.|||Two words: Beast Mastery

Those hunters eat me alive (at least when Vanish is on CD)|||Pergolesi,

Sorry to tell you this but this game really is all about the gear. Actually, let me rephrase that, at the level at which you are playing it is all about the gear. As a level 70 hunter geared as you are probably are, you are running around with probably less than 8k health, 0 resilience, and other stats that are similar. Many of your opponents especially those who have spent some decent time in bg's are basically playing at a different level than you. For example I have a rogue whose health is just under 11k, resilience just over 400. Not only that my gear is gemmed and enchanted. When you get hit by a character geared to that high degree you are getting hit hard probably for at least a third of your health. The opposite is not true. Due to resilience and high health you are going to be dishing out pretty low damage.

The fact is though, you can acquire gear easily and with each piece you get you will see your survivability skyrocket. Here is my suggestion to get yourself geared as painlessly as possible.

1. Join an arena team. 10 games a week, an epic every month to month and a half - even if you lose every game. Note a couple things here. 5 vs 5 especially at the beginning is your best bet if all you care about it getting gear. The reason is, at the stage you are at, you will be losing most of your matches 90%+. With a 5 vs 5 team you will net the most honor. Once you get decently geared you might consider dropping down to a 2 vs 2 team to actually learn how to pvp in arena.

2. You are going to have to do some battle grounds. There is simply no way around that. But that does not have to be painful. If your in a guild get a small group together and join as a group. Being in a group, you will survive better and I bet have more fun along the way.

3. Finally, start dueling. While you won't get any gear from dueling you will learn important aspects of pvp. Once you get geared the playing field levels out a bit and that is where skill becomes more important.|||Dagee, thanx for the advice. I'll take your suggestions seriously. I realize it takes some considerable amount of playing time to acquire the gear to make pvp really fun. Not that it's not fun now to a certain stats aren't really in the toilet, I usually come out ranking at the end of the game somewhere between 1/3 and 1/2 for HKs and other indicators. Too bad the BGs can't sort by stats so I'd be playing against relatively equal players...but RL doesn't allow that why should WoW?|||Not sure about hunters but my mage picked up all her startring PVP gear as rep rewards in outlands from the quarter masters, most only needed honoured some revered. this gave me 160 resillience, now i am gaining purples form the ORG pvp shop.

Do AVs if u are under spec, u can put ur self in a posistion of attacking but not being attacked which will help keep u alive and give u more enjoyment whilst gathering honor. If you are in WSG or AB under specced u are just a dummy target.

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