Saturday, April 14, 2012

BG Pet Peeves

[:1]I catch on slow, I guess. After levelling my third toon to 70, I just discovered the joy of battlegrounds a couple of weeks ago. Gear to drool over, a few hours' grinding, and I can come and go as I please with no sense of responsiblity to guild members or group companions. Plus, it's a ton of fun to boot.

But even this early on, I've noticed a few things that do drive me a little batty (from a Horde point of view).

In Alterac Valley, when the entire team runs right past the SH and IW bunkers en route to Dun Baldar. Even in victory (which is rare in these cases), the honor you get is negligible. Or worse, when the entire team stays back to defend and drags the fight out to 45 minutes.

In Arathi Basin, with your team down 4 nodes to 1, and 11 guys defending the farm.

In Warsong Gulch, watching the flag carrier speed off ahead of you, only to be slaughtered because you couldn't catch up to him.

But hey, I've been doing this two weeks. What do I know?|||[QUOTE=Kasal;4144155]I catch on slow, I guess. After levelling my third toon to 70, I just discovered the joy of battlegrounds a couple of weeks ago. Gear to drool over, a few hours' grinding, and I can come and go as I please with no sense of responsiblity to guild members or group companions. Plus, it's a ton of fun to boot.

But even this early on, I've noticed a few things that do drive me a little batty (from a Horde point of view).

In Alterac Valley, when the entire team runs right past the SH and IW bunkers en route to Dun Baldar. Even in victory (which is rare in these cases), the honor you get is negligible. Or worse, when the entire team stays back to defend and drags the fight out to 45 minutes.

In Arathi Basin, with your team down 4 nodes to 1, and 11 guys defending the farm.

In Warsong Gulch, watching the flag carrier speed off ahead of you, only to be slaughtered because you couldn't catch up to him.

But hey, I've been doing this two weeks. What do I know? [/QUOTE]

Think of it as if the Horde were the Fresno Bees and the Alliance were the New York Yankees; the Bees know they are going to lose, so it doesn't much matter what they do. Blizz's failure to do something about the huge Alliance population advantage, and the biased AV map means that every Alliance PUG will out-gear us, even if they aren't that great. Our Relief hut falls within 3-5 minutes, because a drunk gerbil can get past the "defenses" at our base. Alternatively, when Horde tries to defend at the famous "choke point", Allies ride right past. Horde are still trying to reach the Alliance base when Alliance are drinking beer and eating pretzels at our Relief Hut. THere is no strategy that can overcome the inherent advantages enjoyed by the Alliance faction, and Blizz does not care.

At least in the old days before this ....innovative.... cross-server Battlegroup nonsense you could assemble a pre-made and at least have a chance, even though Allies still had more peeps and more gear. Now, it's just a matter of statistics. Just spent 25 frustrating minutes in EOTS, trying to beat fully S-3 and, for all I know, S-4 geared players....lost 500 to 2000. Started 3 down, by the way. Until Blizz makes the factions even somehow Horde know that EOTS, AB, and WSG are just big time sinks for grinding out those 20, 30, and 40 marks, one at a time. Too bad Blizz is not the NFL....THEN we'd have parity.
|||/rant on

I sense a little frustration on your part. Unfortunately the fact of the matter is, we all go through losing streaks no matter what server or faction we belong to. I am on the Bladefist server, Whirlwind battlegroup and at times I go through the same stuff only from an Alliance point of view. Some nights I can win 8 AV's in a row, other nights I will lose 8 in a row. I will agree that we seem to have a slight edge in AV, unless you guys turtle which results in a 45 minute beer and pretzel fest as you stated above. The slight edge we have in AV is nothing compared to the dominating one sided Horde edge us Allies have to endure in AB and WSG. You guys flat out own AB and Warsong hands down. I dread grinding for badges in those two BG's. EOTS seems fairly even for both factions and is a favorite of mine. I think AB's nodes should be as close as EOTS's bases are and they should make the Blacksmith node into a Flag reset which we could capture to cap our controlled nodes. Now that would be interesting! Just my little old opinion. Thanks for listening.

/rant off

Shadow|||RANT ON:

Frustration does not begin to cover it. I truly believe that the huge Alliance population advantage places Horde at a permanent disadvantage.

First: we literally cannot get a full group on any BG except AV until 2-5 minutes into the game. On the 3 little BG's that's a loss, period.

Second: Assuming Horde and Alliance are all made up of human beings on planet Earth, their playing abilities are more or less the same, as are their desires to play and win. I'm just don't buy all the "Alliance are 12-year-olds" crap. Thus, the population advantage means Alliance will always have more and better geared players; it's just a matter of statistics.

Third: Since Alliance have more and better-geared players they win more BG's and progress at 2-3 times the rate of Horde. Horde never catches up.

Yeah, maybe being at a constant disadvantage means Horde might be forced into being better at PVP, but even if that's true, and not a desparate rationalization, those "better" players are still spread thinner than a pat of butter over a cracker the size of Vermont

I'd like to be wrong. However, there is one EASY way to settle the matter: Blizzard: publish the win/loss ration for each Battlegroup in each Battleground and we'll see who's paranoid and who's perceptive.

RANT OFF.|||you're generalizing from your experiences. rampage has no issues getting even matches most of the time.

Kasal - one reason I LIKE AV is that I still get about 200 honor even if we lose. Contrast that to a quick loss in WSG which is about the same time... and I get 20 honor. ewww|||Quote:

you're generalizing from your experiences. rampage has no issues getting even matches most of the time.

Kasal - one reason I LIKE AV is that I still get about 200 honor even if we lose. Contrast that to a quick loss in WSG which is about the same time... and I get 20 honor. ewww

Indeed, clevins. I calculated it out over 10 matches in AV and found that I average about 300 honor points per match. And we lose far more often than we win.

twosheds, I don't know where you're playing but I find that the Horde rules in every battleground except AV, and even there we're running at about 40%. I'm guessing about 75% in AB, 65% in Warsong and 50/50 in EoTS. I am at a loss to explain why we so rarely lose in AB.|||Bloodlust. Like I say, anecdotal evidence is only that. I want to see the hard numbers, not someone's (even my) latest experience. Show me the numbers that say Horde is not at a disadvantage and I'll kiss Vann's ass and vacuum the DB bunkers for a year. And I'll stop *****ing....FOREVER|||I can't BELIEVE they blocked "*****ing".|||I can't BELIEVE it's not BUTTER!|||Quote:

Bloodlust. Like I say, anecdotal evidence is only that. I want to see the hard numbers, not someone's (even my) latest experience. Show me the numbers that say Horde is not at a disadvantage and I'll kiss Vann's ass and vacuum the DB bunkers for a year. And I'll stop *****ing....FOREVER

Someone posted a link in the official forums last week showing just that information for the last several hundred BG's. For the life of me I can't find it now.

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