Thursday, April 12, 2012

A few questions about BGs

[:1]I did my first BGs yesterday (WSG), and I liked it a lot. I entered with a lvl 13 Rogue and realized that I really need to level him to 17 before trying again, then I used my lvl 29 Warlock. We won 1, lost 2.

I read some stuff here and there, but I have a few questions:

a) Do you gain XP from it? If I enter with a lvl 19 character does that mean that I can only do it a number of times before I'm lvl 20?

b) I understand that I can buy stuff with the Honor Points. Where? Anything useful for lower-level characters? I read that you can only buy things from a character in the Arathi Basin/Highlands; is this (still) true?

c) In what I read (on WoWWiki) there's mention of rewards (items). How/when do you get those?

d) Are people twinking their lvl 19/29 characters for BG? Do I have any chance with my own lvl 19 character if I just have decent crafted/green gear? Right now I suck at PvP but if I get better, do I still need the gear?

e) I had my headset on but no-one seemed to use one; some were typing, none speaking. Is this normal or did I not set up my headset correctly?|||a) That is your choice. You can lock XP for 10g if you so chose. Do note that you will be queued only against people who have locked their XP as well. I am not sure you'd even find enough people to have any games and if you do, they'll likely be kitted out to the max.

If you don't lock your xp, you'll get some XP for a flag cap in WSG, or for getting a number of resources in AB.

b) There's BG specific items, which are sold either in Ashenvale (A) / Barrens (H) for WSG and Arathi Highlands (A/H) for AB. These are generally items for level x8 that have a 'better' version 10 levels later. Later on, there's also gear (and a mount) to be had from Alterac Valley marks, which you can purchase in the Alterac Mountains (A/H).

There's also more generic gear to be bought in either Stormwind or Orgrimmar. There's not much of interest for lower level characters, though there's some gear for level 70 and possibly level 60 characters. I personally don't think it'd be worthwhile to farm the amount of honour needed for those sets, but the lowby level gear can be really nice for its level and generally only takes 20 marks or so (you'll get enough honour from just collecting the marks).

c) As I'm not sure which rewards you mean, I can't answer this question. I just might have already with the previous two answers.

d) Yes, people do twink. However, the 'main' twinks are gathered on one specific battleground and have their XP locked. That means you'll likely not run into a great number of them. You might run into the odd one or find a character with Heirloom items (which, far as I'm concerned, is much the same thing). You should be okay with just leveling/dungeon gear.

e) Headsets are generally used to speak in pre-arranged groups. Not many people use Blizzard's ingame voice-chat as it's considered inferior to external programs such as Ventrilo or even Skype. These, however, require you to all logon to a given ventrilo server or ring eachother up.|||Thanks.

How many WSG BGs can I roughly run if I start at lvl 18 (right after leveling)? Is it 10? 30? 100?

At which level do you suggest to start (say for the 10-19 one)?|||From the top of my head, which may be off, it was around 12-13 BG *wins* for one level. However, that includes the bonus honour from Heirlooms. Say around 15 wins without those. Obviously, it'll take more BGs to level if you lose some.

I'd say you should be okay as long as you are in the upper half of the bracket. So, from x6-x9. It depends a bit on level, gear and class. The difference between level 53 and 56 isn't that huge, while at level 13-16 you have twice as many talent points, probably better gear from doing your first instance and maybe twice as much health. Ranged have a somewhat easier time at lower levels than melee.

However, the brackets are open to everyone. But as you yourself discovered already, joining as a lowby just doesn't feel too good.|||Last night I leveled my Rogue to 17, then did 4 WSGs.

Some observations:

- Most of the time there are only 2-3 players who know what they're doing. The rest is just running around; that (still) includes me.

- There are lots of Hunters in the game (at lvl 11-19), and they are very strong as long as they're in the open.

- I think the role of rogues is (1) sneak to the enemy's flag and then run it home, and (2) defend your own flag from stealth.

- Fighting another Rogue is very confusing (you both stealth and then what?).

One game, I think the Hordes were organized. 4-5 Hunters seemed to be controlling the middle. A combination of 3-4 melee fighters was trying to get our flag. And 2 guys were protecting their flag. We weren't organized so we were soon stuck close to our flag. I tried to get a group of 5-6 together to get past the Hunters, but people prefered to stay in the keep (even when we were 2 flags behind). As a Rogue I could easily get past the Hunters but even if I captured the flag there was no way I could run it back to our keep.|||It happens - for some weird reason, there's a couple folk that seem to think that defending is an awesome idea when you're two flags behind. I never understood why, but that's just how life is. One of those great mysteries we'll never know an answer to.|||Probably the old "Just lose" mentality. Some players are very reluctant to die - ok its not nice being killed by 2 or more of the opposite faction and almost feels degrading - but its a game!

As for other rogues - can be very interesting fights. Open with sap if possible (certainly at the higher levels when players have the trinket ) and see if they blow the trinket. If they do that usually means a win. If you intend on carrying on with some PvP - get this.|||Quote:

Probably the old "Just lose" mentality. Some players are very reluctant to die - ok its not nice being killed by 2 or more of the opposite faction and almost feels degrading - but its a game!

As for other rogues - can be very interesting fights. Open with sap if possible (certainly at the higher levels when players have the trinket ) and see if they blow the trinket. If they do that usually means a win. If you intend on carrying on with some PvP - get this.

I agree, opening with Sap is a good move. Just take note that that trinket now shares a cooldown with WOTF (Will of The Forsaken).|||Leveled my Rogue to 17 and gave it another try. World of difference. Played 4 WSGs, won 2.

The first 2 I played offense. I captured 1 flag and managed to make the enemy FC drop our flag twice (both times for the win). I noticed that it's quite easy to get in position to take the flag (entering via the roof and landing behind the defenders when they're drawn toward the tunnel).

The next 2 I played defense. I found this quite hard. Without ranged attacks I can't do much about them grabbing the flag, so I'm hoping to sprint after the enemy FC and sap/gouge him. I manage this a couple of times, but felt that the Warlocks and Hunters were far more useful than I was.

It's especially fun when you notice that there are a few more serious players in your team. I'll probably keep playing until I get to lvl 20, then I'll get back to normal leveling.|||I used to be quite the flag stealer in my days of 29 WSG play. I would stealth into the flag room and just wait, then grab it and go flyin out of the Alliance Flagroom at breakneck speed and most of the time, was almost halfway back before anyone knew what happened. I would usually stock up on speed potions and then run and pickup the speed booster on the way out and that would take me across the field. Once that ran out, I would use Sprint and by the time Sprint wore off I'd be almost back Hordeside.

Or I'd wait in the middle of a few Alliance until a few Horde came in to take the flag. When everyone was fighting...I'd steal the flag and run like hell.

Lastly I had another ruse up my sleeve. I'd take the flag then let them kill me on purpose with it as a decoy tactic. I'd stealth in with another Rogue or a Druid then tell my teammate to wait there for the flag respawn. I'd grab it and Sprint out to the right and un all the way towards the area where the Allis rez, and head off to the far right side of tha area and start yelling LOLZ like crazy.

They would kill me and take the flag back only to give it to the Rogue or Druid waiting in the now completely undefended Alliance flag room.

Fun times.

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