Thursday, April 12, 2012

Gearing up for Lvl 80 Pvp without doing any PvE?

[:1]Suppose you get to lvl 80 and have a few pieces of your PvP set from honor accumulated in the earlier brackets..

Is it possible to stand a chance in this bracket by grinding and toughing it out until you've gotten enough honor to decently gear yourself? I dislike PvE (raiding) very much and do not wish to go that route to gear up for PvP..|||Just do Wintergrasp. Heck, I actually use WG to gear up my PvE toons a bit faster - while the resilience isn't needed for PvE, most of the stats are more than sufficient for both.|||Do PvE. The Emblems can be traded for PvP items. Just talk to the Emblem of Triumph vendor.|||Quote:

Do PvE. The Emblems can be traded for PvP items. Just talk to the Emblem of Triumph vendor.

The OP made it pretty clear that they do not want to do pve.|||Quote:

The OP made it pretty clear that they do not want to do pve.

Well, I may have sounded a bit extreme but I don't mind doing a dungeon or two every other day.. in a PUG. It's still a nice change of pace from BGing.. What I don't really wish to do is have to join a raid guild and be expected to raid every day on a set schedule to get better gear.|||Oh, wow... I completely misread his post. I thought it said Gearing up for level 80 PvP without doing PvP, lol.|||Quote:

Well, I may have sounded a bit extreme but I don't mind doing a dungeon or two every other day.. in a PUG. It's still a nice change of pace from BGing.. What I don't really wish to do is have to join a raid guild and be expected to raid every day on a set schedule to get better gear.

IIRC you can get some nice PvP gear in VoA. It's probably the easiest raid you can get and PUGable with minimal gear. If you don't mind raiding a bit, that would be the thing to do, especially if you can get a class run, where everyone in the raid is a different class/spec (meaning no competition for gear drops). Other than that, Wintergrasp is the way to go. Get into a cannon and fire away at anything that moves. Doing dungeons while you have WG will give you a shed load of stone keeper shards, which can be traded in for tokens that grant 2000 honour each.

Bear in mind that this information is 5months old now (when I stopped playing) so if things have changed, feel free to correct me.|||You can gear up for 80s PvP without setting foot in any instance (let alone raid).

The main issue will be a weapon, and you can simply spend ~7.5k on a Battered Hilt. You'll have to trudge through a few instances then, but you'll get a nice weapon out of it. Other than that, you'll just have to farm three instances and hope for a nice drop.|||Quote:

You can gear up for 80s PvP without setting foot in any instance (let alone raid).

The main issue will be a weapon, and you can simply spend ~7.5k on a Battered Hilt. You'll have to trudge through a few instances then, but you'll get a nice weapon out of it. Other than that, you'll just have to farm three instances and hope for a nice drop.

Certainly you can do this, but that would mean doing level 80 BGs in questing greens: not a good idea imo unless you have a deathwish. The last time I went in there with my full T9 priest, I got slaughtered. Now, if you have plenty of money you can buy the various epics for your class but these get very very pricey indeed.|||The difference between quest greens and t9 is exceedingly small when it comes to PvP.

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