Monday, April 16, 2012

L60 MaxDPS MM hunter build for AV?


I am trying to determine the absolutely highest DPS build for a L60 hunter exclusively for AV use.

I have read about 21/30 and am currently running a 45/6 build:

I need to kill as fast as possible before adds arrive or before the healers notice their comrades health bar decreasing and then it's too late.

I do not have the support to run Naxx/AQ40, etc for the leet L60 weapons, but beyond that I will do any enchant, etc that makes a difference.

I am considering getting the Chest/Legs/helm of the lesser L60 PVP set from the Hall of Legends, since each piece adds 2% crit and might be better than the Warlords gear but I'm not sure what else to do.|||I respecked MM for the first time at 70 (hunter) with an eye to battlegrounds, and it seemed to be pretty effective in AV. But I also found to my dismay that daily quests which were a breeze before were much more risky and difficult after respec. That's because my cat could no longer hold aggro with NPCs. This is fatal to a hunter, though I understand that at higher levels it's also because your pet's ability to hold aggro can't be increased beyond a certain level. I had to change my tactics for PVE, it was a whole new learning curve. I'd say that a lot of surviving in AV has to do with position. In a big fight it's great to pick a ranged target and pound away at from 35 yards it while the target has no idea where the fire is coming from. Your pet doesn't "hold aggro" as in pve, but can be very distracting. The problem is dealing with melee attacks. For me the judicious use of shortcuts and macros helps alot.

But I'm still a newbie at bgs and I'd like to hear what others think.

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