I have a lvl 70 hunter in nothing but greens/blues so I'm very, very new to PVP. I just started doing EOTS the other day to earn some honor. I am by no means a great (or even good) PVP player but it's very easy to see the Alliance are WAY more organized. They win every time and by a good margin.
It's like people just capture the tower and sit there expecting to win something. I just don't understand it.|||my alliance guildmates who are 70s complain about losing EOTS all the time, and when they win, they celebrate.
we're in vindication battlegroup.|||cap 3 towers, push em back to their remaining tower and run teh flag till u win =D horde win EOTS 75% of the time, blackout EU!
ive even seen alliance premades turned into whimpering wrecks hiding on their spawn point rock by horde PuG's|||The Alliance are way more organized????? I think not. In any BG I've been in (or heard about from guildies) the Horde pretty much has their way and win probably 75% of the time. They appear to have a plan. The Alliance just runs around like fools, not listening to anyone!|||Well, all I know is the Alliance have won every BG I've done over the last week (of ~10). Maybe I just hit an off time.|||It's different from battlegroup to battlegroup. I'm playing on the Mazrigos EU server, and Alliance usually win AV, Horde usually win AB and EOTS seems to be a tossup. I hate WSG, so I've only been there a few times to get some marks. Seems fairly equal there as well.|||Well it could be that you were facing a pre-made. You can tell from the BG sheet where all allies are from the same server.
Btw in my BG horde wins 80% off all EoTS BGs, given that you're not facing a pre-made.|||On my server - Balnazaar - Alliance or less organised but more twinked in my experience of a few different tiers.|||Alliance is organized? lol|||You can't put the words "Alliance" and "organized" in the same sentence. They just don't belong together.
I think you just got unlucky a few times. .. most of the time Horde owns us (yes I am Alliance ... and we lose 9 out of 10).
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