I'm a lvl 56 SPriest and i'm 999 exalted in frostwolf faction.
Revered in org,but, I can't use any of that.
Is Exalted (Rep) only important in the end game?
Thanks in advance for the help|||Some reputations lost their worth.
Frostwolf reputation is only tied to a trinket now, whereas it used to be what items you could purchase.
Exalted with another faction than your own (Forsaken/Org/Thunder Bluff etc) will let you ride their mount. In addition, you'll get a bigger discount on repairing/buying stuff when your reputation is higher in that town.
Other reputations still 'work' and are needed to get certain recipes or items.|||.....and Wildhammer rep is still entirely pointless.|||Quote:
.....and Wildhammer rep is still entirely pointless.
Removed from the game come TBC.|||Quote:
Removed from the game come TBC.
Ah. Yes, come to think of it, my alt never saw those quests...|||Hey Thanks all for explaining it to me i see from posts mainly it's an end game thing.|||Quote:
Hey Thanks all for explaining it to me i see from posts mainly it's an end game thing.
Not necessarily end end game but usually more for the higher levels (50+) where you can really start getting some nice items from rep., but there are some items here and there for some lower levels as well (especially recipes and such).
Look here: http://armory.worldofwarcraft.com/factions.xml for a list of all the gear from all the factions.
You can gain or lose favor (reputation) with some of the several different factions in Azeroth by completing certain quests or killing certain creatures. Doing so will usually unlock special rewards or quests.
You can also increase your reputation by doing repeatable reputation quests.
See Also: Faction, Category:Factions
Reputation levels and points
Reputation is very similar to experience. Reputation is divided into a number of different levels for which players must earn reputation points to progress through. Higher reputation levels generally require more points than the previous level to progress. The exception is hated, which spans a very large number of reputation points. Reputation points, just like experience points, are gained though quests and killing various mobs. Unlike experience, it is possible to lose reputation points with some factions, either by killing members of the faction or by assisting "rival" factions. For rival factions, gaining reputation with them normally causes a loss of a slightly greater amount from the opposing side. Currently there are 4 of these rival faction pairs: Aldor (Draenei) vs. Scryers (Blood Elves), Gelkis vs. Magram (both Centaur), Steamwheedle Cartel (Goblins) vs. Bloodsail Buccaneers (pirates), and Ravenholdt (rogues) vs. Syndicate (Humans).
Various quests and faction-specific rewards are available across the levels, but the player must be able to interact with the faction NPCs to gain access to these rewards. This usually requires neutral or better standing.
Reputation Levels (High to Low)
Level Points at level Discount Notes
Exalted 999 20% Access to racial and faction mounts, and tabards
Revered 21,000 15%
Honored 12,000 10% Heroic mode keys for Outland dungeons
Friendly 6,000 5%
Neutral 3,000
Unfriendly 3,000 Cannot buy, sell or interact.
Hostile 3,000 You will always be attacked on sight
Hated 36,000
NOTE: All NPCs with whom you have Friendly, or higher, reputation will appear green in game, the level colors above are only used in WoWWiki and in the Armory.
Patch 2.3.0 (11/13/07):
Vendor Discounts: All vendors with an associate faction now give discounts at all levels above neutral.
Previously there was a flat 10% discount starting at honored.
Patch 2.3.0 (11/13/07): The requirement for Heroic Keys has been lowered to honored. Previously required revered.
Gaining and losing reputation
Completing non-repeatable quests will usually increase your reputation with the quest giver's faction(s) by a fixed number of points. Most of the factions also have special repeatable quests that give reputation when completed, or special mobs that give reputation when killed.
Full reputation is still gained by questing at a higher level. For example, completing low level quests with a level 70 character now gives full reputation. This makes it easier to get to exalted and buy another faction's mount.
For mob kills, as long as the mob cons green or higher to you, then you will receive full reputation. Grey mobs give 20% of the normal reputation. See the mob difficulty colors chart for when mobs transition from green to grey.
Mobs and quests sometimes both increase your reputation with a faction but decrease it with another. For example, killing Gelkis centaurs will increase your reputation with the Magram, but will also decrease it with the Gelkis. Thus there is no way to be Friendly with the Gelkis and the Magram at the same time.
For higher-end factions, a general strategy exists to make a rep grind as painless as possible. Take Argent Dawn for example. There are several ways in which to earn reputation for them: doing standard quests, killing mobs in and around Scholomance and Stratholme, killing bosses, and doing repeatable quests. The problem is that each of these methods will only work to a certain extent. Killing standard mobs will usually only get you to revered or so. After that, only quests and bosses will give rep and these are of course harder to do. Therefore, it's in a players best interest to go as far as possible on mob kills alone and then use repeatable quests and standard quests to get through revered. Example: for Argent Dawn, run Scholomance and Stratholme getting rep from kills until you reach Revered status. At this point, rep will stop, but you should have built up quite a collection of Scourgestones and such to turn in in rapid succession to further boost your rep. Similar tactics can be applied to other factions, simply varying the instances you run.
Gaining reputation with the Horde or Alliance factions
Every playable race has a home faction, for example Darnassus for Night Elves, Orgrimmar for Orcs, etc.
Excluding the increased discount, gaining reputation with the faction of your own race is useless. However, if you want a mount of a faction that is not your own, you must be Exalted with them. For example if you are a Troll and you want to buy a Wolf mount, you must be Exalted with Orgrimmar.
One method of gaining reputation with your faction is donating Wool, Silk, Mageweave or Runecloth through repeatable quests to designated NPCs.
Most quests for an Alliance or Horde faction will give full reputation gain for that faction, and one quarter of that reputation gain for the other factions on that side. For example, a quest for a Stormwind NPC may give 250 Stormwind reputation and 62.5 for the rest of the Alliance.
There's no way to increase or even see your reputation with factions of the opposite team (ex: increase your Undercity reputation while playing an Alliance character).
Also look here for faction Information:
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