Never been in the arena...for that matter havent dueled much either. What best first few moves in 2x2 or 3x3....?|||It changes per opponent, per arena type (2v2,3v3, 5v5) and per your teamate(s).
There are ton's and ton's of ways to start and strategies to utilize. Your best bet is to practice practice and practice and b/c your a hunter - practice more.
My buddy and I have a 2v2 hunter duo that we have fun with (though not the best rating at all lol). We have different strats per team that change on the fly - though generally we both put pets on prowl, drop traps, flare at the 5 sec mark and shadow meld - this gives us a minute to decide our strategy as we watch the other team b/c for all they know they're up against two rogues or two druids or w/e - and we need to decide how we're going to handle a pally/warrior combo or a mage / lock combo - etc. Other times we run right out, it really depends on our mood.
IMO - just practice with your partners and be prepared to loose some on your way to learning how to best work with your teamates and develop strategies for fighting various opponents.
The reason I feel that your questoin can't be answered is b/c of all the changing factors. Is your 2v2 with a mage that can CC, or a rogue that stealthes, or maybe a druid that stealthes but also utilizes cyclone alot . . . it just depends.
Maybe if you tell us what your team combos are we may be able to give you a better example but even then, things change per the team you're up against.
Your team needs to devise it's own strategies based on how each member can handle certain classes - pros and cons of their playstyles - their skill at pvping - their toons skills and spells and how they will be used per each opposing team - etc|||Quote:
It changes per opponent, per arena type (2v2,3v3, 5v5) and per your teamate(s).
There are ton's and ton's of ways to start and strategies to utilize. Your best bet is to practice practice and practice and b/c your a hunter - practice more.
My buddy and I have a 2v2 hunter duo that we have fun with (though not the best rating at all lol). We have different strats per team that change on the fly - though generally we both put pets on prowl, drop traps, flare at the 5 sec mark and shadow meld - this gives us a minute to decide our strategy as we watch the other team b/c for all they know they're up against two rogues or two druids or w/e - and we need to decide how we're going to handle a pally/warrior combo or a mage / lock combo - etc. Other times we run right out, it really depends on our mood.
IMO - just practice with your partners and be prepared to loose some on your way to learning how to best work with your teamates and develop strategies for fighting various opponents.
The reason I feel that your questoin can't be answered is b/c of all the changing factors. Is your 2v2 with a mage that can CC, or a rogue that stealthes, or maybe a druid that stealthes but also utilizes cyclone alot . . . it just depends.
Maybe if you tell us what your team combos are we may be able to give you a better example but even then, things change per the team you're up against.
Your team needs to devise it's own strategies based on how each member can handle certain classes - pros and cons of their playstyles - their skill at pvping - their toons skills and spells and how they will be used per each opposing team - etc
Dont have a it'll be random at all times. But I was just wondering if there are some things you ALWAYS do..basic fundementals. Like dropping traps, using scattershot/silence shot etc...just some basics so i dont look like a total noob|||Ehh, not really - there's nothing I always do - I mean it situational as said IMO.
If I may ask, why not get a permenant partner and learn together? Create your own team, it's not that much money (or find someone like yourself that is new and wants to learn and you can split the cost of the team with them if that's an issue) Working with the same teammate day in and day out when doing arena's is a good thing, and it can improve your skill and rating b/c you're learning how to work together and to play off each other's strengths and weaknesses (although it does not gaurantee that youll do well either - but I think it gives a better chance to do well). If you pug a team every couple weeks you'll never really get good or get high on the latter IMO.
So you're MM by what you mentioned, so I will say that alot of MM hunters like pets with stings / poisons that they pair with Imp Stings (talent), but others don't like them and still like birds, ravagers, etc. I have a scorp and my trusty cat.
My advice (for what it's worth lol) would be to watch tons of arena / pvp videos, read all that you can on the official site and a few other forums like this one (if you find what you need) or elitistjerks - where they go into some crazy detail at times, and just gain knowledge that will help. Get a permenant arena partner - and create a good team together.
Also, practice alot (with arena's practice runs and standard BG's), see what works on certain classes and what does not. Get yourself into a 2 on 1 situation in a BG and see how you do, practice CCing one and trying to kill the other - just general skill improving activities.
I love MM but went BM b/c I find it better in 2v2 and 3v3 depending on your team's class makeup.
One thing is to make a macro that you can spam to shoot and to use your Huntersmark, trinket, racial (if you're Horde) and Rapidfire ability all in a single button - this will make sure that you always use them on your targets.
Good luck.|||great info...thanks for youe help
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