Monday, April 16, 2012

Noob Question???

Hi there,

Sorry to bother you seasoned players, but how do i get to Arathi Basin? Also by completeing battlegrounds, will i be able to get epic weapons? Also is this the only way to get epic weapons?

Thanks in advance for your help!!

Dark Viper|||

read up on wow info here|||Every city has a place with battlemasters, where you can sign up for any of the battlegrounds. I can't remember if you can ask the guards in cities where to find the battlemasters, but it's worth a try.

There are some nice weapons available through PvP. (Although the best ones are only available through arena, and you have to be 70 for that, as well as have a decent rating for your arena team to buy them.)

There are plenty of other ways to get epic weapons (the battleground honor rewards just tend to be one of the easiest.) You can get them out of heroic dungeons, raids, and there are some available to purchase with gold if you get your reputation high enough with the faction that sells it.

You can search for items in places like wowdigger or the the armory.|||Quote:

Every city has a place with battlemasters, where you can sign up for any of the battlegrounds. I can't remember if you can ask the guards in cities where to find the battlemasters, but it's worth a try.

There are some nice weapons available through PvP. (Although the best ones are only available through arena, and you have to be 70 for that, as well as have a decent rating for your arena team to buy them.)

There are plenty of other ways to get epic weapons (the battleground honor rewards just tend to be one of the easiest.) You can get them out of heroic dungeons, raids, and there are some available to purchase with gold if you get your reputation high enough with the faction that sells it.

You can search for items in places like wowdigger or the the armory.

Thankyou very much for your advice! I really appreciate your help!

Kindest regards,

Dark Viper!!|||The ingame entrance to Arahi Basin is in the zone Arathi Highlands. In Hammerfall for the horde, and in Refugee point for Alliance. Here you can que up too, there are some quests for the BG and it is also here you are able to purchase gear with a combination of honor and Arathi Basin marks.

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