Thursday, April 12, 2012

Why Alliance sucks.

[:1]I got my Pally to 70 a month ago, I still have green gear (and a couple of blues) and about 5000 honor points.

In other words, i suck.

Since I am Alliance, I double suck.

First off, Alliance people are just nasty to each other ... they don't help each other, they snipe at each other in chat, the b-tch and moan about how we all suck and how we always lose, but never give do anything to improve things.

Is horde the same? I don't think so, because I always see them play as a team.

So, in the past month (which I spent in the Battlegrounds) i made notes of what I think are the strong points of the Horde:

Alliance go around as individuals trying to get kills, the Horde ...

1 - the Horde always travels in packs. They never go alone ... they are always in groups of 3-4 people.

2 - the Horde have a lot of healers, and their healers really know how to do their job. They hide, they keep out of the fight and they just heal non stop. They make themselves hard to find and they really manage their healing priorities.

3 - the Horde always attacks the healers first. The Horde always defends their healers first.

4 - when the Horde attacks a position, they don't send 2 people, then 2 more people in a minute or two, then one more after a couple of minutes, then 2 more ... etc. etc. They don't attack in a "trickle" the attack in one massive group. They load up 7-8 people (and a couple of healers to boot) and they come at you like a ton of bricks, all at once.

5 - the horde is never happy to just sit somewhere. they are always attacking, rarely defending. They don't defend their positions, they leave 1 or two people in a place, then they organize a main group and assault an alliance spot. If they lose a position ... they just take it back. They traumatize the Alliance in a defensive stance. The Alliance becomes so paranoid about losing their positions, they just sit there ... which means that the battlefield belongs to the Horde and they can go wherever they want while the Alliance is prisoner of their own defenses.

The horde have their priorities straight. They know that winning the game is more important than individual achievements. they know that if they do things right, if they win the game, they get more honor and more marks. They care more about the team than the individual. They would be very happy to win a game without killing a single alliance member if they could. They care about the results not the kills. But ... given how disorganized we are in the Alliance, they don't mind killing us, since we make it so easy for them.

These are my 2c as an Alliance beginner. Hopefully we can organize some good groups in the Alliance to counter all that (in all fairness I have seen the Alliance kick ass when we get good people in the group and we play as a team) ... but it doesn't happen often.

.|||It's your server, your bracket, etc etc.

Honestly, on most servers, Alliance do better in BG's as far as I've noticed.|||...And we have Undead Rogue Engineers with Sapper Charges!!!

MWAHAHA!|||I will personally abstain from commenting on any deep Alliance versus Horde value and uberness... (yes. I will. I really, really, really will.)

But yeah. A lot depends on... Battlegroup. Bracket. Are you encountering a large number of opposite faction premades? A particularly strong tactical battleground leader lurking in your current battlegroup/bracket? An inordinate number of opposing faction alts/twinks? So many factors can be in play here.|||Dunno...I've gotten steamrolled by the Alliance in BG's before...|||We suck because all the kids come to that faction, it's that simple.|||lol alliance are the best man, hordes are 10 year old kids|||Quote:

lol alliance are the best man, hordes are 10 year old kids

So says the 8 year old.|||xiruz, im pretty sure its the other way around becuase all the kids play worgen or night elf|||alliance does suck, until you play horde..

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