Saturday, April 14, 2012

Alliance does'nt suck

[:1]I've been a little worried that I joined the wrong faction because I am a PvPer and I love BG's. I keep hearing that the allies suck (thats and that we are mean to each other and blah blah blah...

The thing is I've been doing BG's at lvl 70 and I dont agree with those people who whine at all.

For the first ten or so fights we were getting beaten (as usual) afterwards I started winning about 50 or 60% of the time and its been that way for a while.

I wondered why and then I realised that its because of the BG server grouping method which is "People who are more coordinated and have the same quality of gear will be grouped together to face another group of equal coordination and equal quality of gear"

I have'nt seen many whiners in the BG's lately and we are'nt mean to each other.

My point is... Allies don't suck as long as you are part of the mature group of allies and the best way to work yourself up to that group is if you start coordinating yourself more with your teamates. Eventually you'll be part of the portion of the alliance which actually does win the part of the alliance which does not have kids or n00bs named Legolas and Sephiroth.

I think that people who post on the forums because allies "keep losing" have just been discouraged that they just start doing their own thing in BG's.|||Quote:

My point is... Allies don't suck as long as you are part of the mature group of allies and the best way to work yourself up to that group is if you start coordinating yourself more with your teamates. Eventually you'll be part of the portion of the alliance which actually does win the part of the alliance which does not have kids or n00bs named Legolas and Sephiroth.

I agree, but that could be said or either side. Unless you only BG with premades, you'll still eventuially find yourself grouped with whiners, etc.

Actually even with premades, you still get a few whiners occasionally.|||Alliance totally sucks on some Battlegroups.

Horde totally sucks on some Battlegroups.

That's about it - According to HonorFu (which just tracks my games played) Horde in my Battlegroup own AV, do excellent on WSG, 50/50 on AB, and lose most EotS.

Also, highly depends on the time of day. Prime time on my battlegroup means tons of ally premades. Any other time, usually just PuGs|||in before Horde have PvP racials and the maps fit Horde better then Alliance

"Cough" LOL BALINDA "Cough"|||Join a decent PvP Guild and go premade, end of the PvP skill-monopoly!|||Horde are the same exact way as alliance. There are stupid people in both, people who have no idea how to pvp in both. Some days horde win everything, some days we do. I have 70 horde and 70 allis and have'nt seen a big difference between the 2. They balance racials and maps as much as they can.|||Quote:

I think that people who post on the forums because allies "keep losing" have just been discouraged that they just start doing their own thing in BG's.

I can't speak for others but right now I am going for a pvp mount so have to play AV to get the marks and I have yet to be on the winning side. Alliance -EU. We just don't win. Last battle I was in we still had 500 points left! We were outnumbered, outplayed and half of guys were just doing the quests. They should get rid of that stupid ram quest! Oh well, slog on.|||Alliance don't queue enough in some battlegroups to make AV even at the start. The 51-60 bracket is a complete joke. Most matches on Bloodlust, Alliance start down 15-20 vs. Horde numbers. Bliz shouldn't allow such matches to start.

The situation is reversed in EOTS, with Horde usually beginning at a big numbers disadvantage.

WSG is the easiest to get fair numbers, but class balance is often a joke. I've been in many where Alliance had zero healers and zero druids.

AB is usually balanced. Now that premades are dead, win % depends on the day of the week. When the PVE's flock to AB for bonus honor, it's a waste of time.|||Quote:

I agree, but that could be said or either side. Unless you only BG with premades, you'll still eventuially find yourself grouped with whiners, etc.

Actually even with premades, you still get a few whiners occasionally.

ye thats so true, i have a 70 human warrior and sometimes i'd start crying of losing bg's all the time, but then i tsarted a horde char, did bg's with him, and i notices that horde is so much more serious when were talking about doing bg's , its like , the first sentence a player says when he enters a bg:' NOW WE WIN OR I KICK YOUR ASSES!!'. I tought, WOW, these guys r aggressive, and thats why they own so much: people push them to win.It happesn a lot i have to face like 2 tauren warriors ALONE, and i think, 'hmm, gonna be ok'. but noooooo, they crit me 4000.So alli gains victory by staying calm and stimulating eachother, not by pushing eachother:p|||Alliance doesn't suck? It's about time to reconsider that statement!

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