Saturday, April 14, 2012

AV Honor Points

[:1]I don't know if this has always been the case or not, but I noticed this weekend in AV that if we didn't cap any of the opposition's towers, we barely got any honor points. I think once I left with getting only 27 points. The battle took forever but we still got creamed. I'm not sure we even got them below 500 resources. Has this always been the case?

Also, why is it that the Alliance (myself included) panics if the Horde throws a wrench into their plans? In every group I have been in, we rush Galv, blah, blah, blah. This weekend the Horde waited for us there. I just moved on figuring to come back to him later, but everyone else still ran in and died. Each time the Horde did that, we lost. Why continue with the same tactics?|||Cos they're morons that can't deviate from the standard game plan ?


In AV, you get honour for a couple things.

Killing Galv / Balinda (3 HK = 63 honour @ level 70)

Killing the enemy leader (4 HK = 84 honour)

Burning Towers (3 HK)

Having your captain alive at the end. (2 HK = 42 honour)

Sending the wing commanders home. (1 HK each, 63 total for all three)

Unburned towers are worth 2 HKs at the end.

On top of that, you get some honour for honourable kills. By far the most honour is from actually completing the objectives though.|||Quote:

Cos they're morons that can't deviate from the standard game plan ?

More so because you are playing it with 39 people not caring about the group but mostly themselves, hence...there is not plan from which to deviate.

Problem is the damage done/Hk board. Scrap that and you would have a basis for players to actually wanting to win.

Most fun AV's, or any BG for that matter, are the ones where i find 2 or 3 other people committed to one objective in the BG. That is when i really enjoy it. Talking to each other, and listening. Then obliterating most incoming enemies.|||Quote:

More so because you are playing it with 39 people not caring about the group but mostly themselves, hence...there is not plan from which to deviate.

Problem is the damage done/Hk board. Scrap that and you would have a basis for players to actually wanting to win.

Most fun AV's, or any BG for that matter, are the ones where i find 2 or 3 other people committed to one objective in the BG. That is when i really enjoy it. Talking to each other, and listening. Then obliterating most incoming enemies.

I love it when we actually work together. So I have to defend and I'm not putting out any damage, who cares? It's about the win. They should do away with getting honor from kills. If you're defending or healing, you're screwed even though you are playing like you should. Plus, it really p*%#es me off when people start wondering why they aren't getting healed or wondering why bases are getting taken when they aren't there to help. If you cap it, stay there.|||Honor for Hk's is fine, just don't put it on s board for people to see :)

Take away the carrot and only players who actually like to play the game will hunt the carrot...

It is like Portal, if the cake is a lie...i want it!

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