Saturday, April 14, 2012

battleground question.

[:1]Real quick one. What are you supposed to do with the flag once you capture it? Run to YOUR flag room?? Then what??|||Basically yes. Run to your flag room to cap it. However to actually capture the flag your own flag has to be at your base. So if the opposite team have your flag you have to hold on to theirs while your team get your flag back.

If that is the case then its generally good practise to either a) head to the roof above the flag room or b) head to your graveyard area adn hide and be ready to cap when your guys get your flag back.

Thats it in a very basic sense. It can be a lot more complicated with a bad team though ;)|||OK I see. SO if your flag is at its base and you have theirs you can place theirs next to yours? There will be like the gold gear icon or some type of action icon?

thanks again. I have done a few battlegrounds but Im a Tauren Warrior and I run at the speed of smell so I usually stay in our flag room and defend.|||It will look like this except you would obviously be carrying the blue flag as Horde,

There's nothing to click, you just run on to it. I have seen some people cap a flag as soon as they go near the flag and other times it's a panic trying to cap walking around it. No idea about that :)|||OK thanks. I know thats a newb question but like I said I rarely go for the flag. I did twice last night. but never made it..|||As a warrior, if you're carrying the flag switch to defensive stance and throw on a shield. Use piercing howl liberally if you're specced for it. Also, as a tauren, warstomp is a big help.|||Good info. Thanks!!

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