For those who don't know, the Green Whelp Armor has a small chance of putting a melee attacker to sleep for 10 seconds and is leather, requires lvl 30. Just want to get some brainstorming started on what is a decent class and spec to twink at lvl 39 wearing the green whelp armor on the chest...
First, this rules out priest, mage, and warlock for being cloth classes. The ability of the armor to put meleers to sleep mostly will benefit classes that want to stay out of melee range, so this rules out rogues, warriors, feral druids, enhancement shamans, and retribution pallys. Elemental shamans and balance druids, while can benefit from the armor to put melee attackers to sleep, may not have enough +damage gear available to be fully effective twinks.
So this leaves hunters and healing classes (minus priests.)|||well, a twink healer is pretty much pointless, so your only real option is a hunter then isnt it...|||Why wouldn't this help a rogue? If someone you are fighting gets put to sleep you can wait for your energy to regen or go back into stealth for an opener. Like a second, longer gouge. Really the armor could benefit any class that wears leather. Back before it was nerfed, even level 60s used it.|||Actually this would be great for a feral druid wouldn't it? Imagine running the flag and all the melee hitting you falling asleep?
I actually remember fighting someone with this chest piece on waaay back before TBC. I don't know if they've nerfed it since, but this was around the 39 bracket and the druid wearing it was the most annoying flag carrier I have ever tried to kill. At least, I think it was a druid.|||The only thing I could see this being useful for is for running the flag - there's too many ppl button mashing, aoeing, hunter's multishotting into a group to make this type of CC useful IMO.
Though when running the flag is you wore the:
[item]Green Whelp Armor[/item]
and carried the
[item]Deadman's Hand[/item]
it would give great chances of CCing those following attackers.
Short of that effect that may happen on occasion, The Green Welp Armor would be an absolutely horrible piece of gear for a 30's bracket twink IMO (+11 spirit lol). It's not even level 35 so that you can BC enchant it.
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