Hi, I was just wondering if it was possible to do an uncompleted bg daily from the previous day, and then turn it in and get the current bg daily and do that, all in one day?
Thanks|||No. All the dailies are limited by when you turn them in, not when you got them, so if you turn one in that you picked up the previous day, you can't even pick that one up again until the next day.|||Darn, thought so. Thanks.|||what's a bg daily? i mean, i know what a daily is, i know what a bg is and my brain can piece together that it's a daily quest with an objective in a battleground. But what I wanna know is, how can i get one?
I being a L62 Druid and my wife being a L56 Hunter (atm).|||Quote:
what's a bg daily? i mean, i know what a daily is, i know what a bg is and my brain can piece together that it's a daily quest with an objective in a battleground. But what I wanna know is, how can i get one?
I being a L62 Druid and my wife being a L56 Hunter (atm).
There are daily quests you can pick up from the Battlemasters area in various cities. It'll give you gold and honor for winning the BG it sends you to.
Good luck!!|||Quote:
what's a bg daily?
Yeah near the bg npc's in the various cities there's now a guy with a blue question-mark (repeatable quest) that gives a Daily BG Quest for some extra honor and some gold. It changes everyday to a different BG. It's a nice addition IMO (though you don't always get the right amount of honor I've noticed - maybe they'll fix it eventually.)
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