Wednesday, April 18, 2012

New to PvP and WSG

I've been playing WoW for a long time, but I had always avoided the battlegrounds because I assumed I hated PvP. Turns out it's only world PvP I hate, so I'm now at multiple lvl 70s (all alliance side, my horde characters are feeling neglected) and just learning the battlegrounds. My first character that's PvPing is a lvl 70 affliction spec'ed warlock who isn't ideally spec'ed or geared for PvP, but I'm having fun anyway, and other than AV (only been there once, and decided I needed a very long break from AV), WSG is the only BG I don't feel like I'm contributing much in.

In most BGs, I tend to play defense, jumping into an offense when I feel that there's someplace that might just need one more element of chaos and my spot is relatively secure, and always try not to be off somewhere alone. EotS is my favorite BG so far, because I can defend one of the towers, and then ride/run out to assist the flag carrier when he's headed our way.

In WSG, however, this tends not to work, since when the opposing team comes for the flag, they usually outnumber the defenders, so I tend to spend more time focusing on the flag carriers. I don't have any resilience gear yet, so I'm not about to pick up the flag, but I love tailing the friendly flag carrier and dropping curse of exhaustion on anyone that tries to intercept him, or the opposing flag carrier, keeping curse of exhaustion on him till more help arrives. I also try to keep curse of tongues on healers, banish warlock pets (especially felguards/felhunters), pop howl of terror whenever there's a cluster of hostiles that I want to break up (around flag carriers, usually), and try to keep my instant DoTs up on everything.

I'm usually towards the top of the list on honorable kills and deaths, not so good on killing blows, since death by DoT is a little hard to achieve in the presence of healers/dispellers. And yes, I do mean that I tend to die more than most of my teammates. I'll get stunlocked and killed pretty fast, though I don't know if it's because I'm being effective or they just don't want to give me the chance to get it right for once.

I don't get many shadowbolts in, because I'll just get silenced/interrupted if I try anything that isn't an instant. I do burn soulshards shadowburning, but with a 15 second cooldown, it's not that much a boost to my DPS and usually doesn't make difference in my survival.

Does this sound like a reasonable way to try to help win, given that I am truly bad at PvP (poor reflexes, hard time making decisions under pressure)?

Two other questions I've got about WSG, as long as I'm on the subject. I've seen a lot of abbreviations used, can't remember them all, was wondering what they were. EFC, I believe, is enemy flag carrier, but what about FR (I think)? Any other common ones I should know? I never feel comfortable asking during the BG, because everyone is (or at least should be) busy.

Last question (for now). Is there a point to not capping the flag in WSG? I see this all the time. Sometimes the flag carrier will insist that we return our flag to base before he'll cap the opposing flag, sometimes they don't say a thing. Is there any real advantage to this, or is it just that they feel that other people aren't pulling their weight?|||Hello

I'll address some of your questions:


Last question (for now). Is there a point to not capping the flag in WSG? I see this all the time. Sometimes the flag carrier will insist that we return our flag to base before he'll cap the opposing flag, sometimes they don't say a thing. Is there any real advantage to this, or is it just that they feel that other people aren't pulling their weight?

You can't "cap" a flag (return it to the flag area for a point) unless you have yours also. So if the horde have the alliance flag you HAVE to get it back (make them drop it - then you click on it to return it) so that your team can score. There is no other way. You often have stalemates b/c too many people are pointlessly farming HK's and not trying to get the flag back so your team can get a point. So, once the horde flag is in the alliance base people need to get the alliance flag back - that's why the horde keep coming in to get theirs back - so they can cap. I personally like the "train of pain" "steam roll" big zerg type of group (everyone on O no D - or just one guy to slow them down jsut enough to make them leave out earlier than your team - usually with frost traps, fears, or frost nova) where everyone goes in together gets the opposing teams flag and on the way back to their base they kill the flag carrier of the other team that has their flag. IMO - this way usually results in fast wins.

FR = flag room

GY = grave yard

Mid = middle of the field

2nd Floor - is the little landing over the FR

Roof - is the roof

Hut - the little huts with buffs in them

Ramp - the side ramp that goes up near the GY

Tunnel - the tunnel in the middle that leads to the FR

I personally see locks playing a few different ways. They either dominate and are right up there killing people with everyone else. You have the locks that stay out of everyones line of sight (near a rock, ledge, or bush) and just tab target everyone and Dot them up. Also I see people just staying the back of the pack doting, shadowbolting, using minion, etc. From what you said that you do, it sounds like you're doing what your class does well. Slow the EFC - Dot everyone, banish pets, etc.

Some Info: (pretty good post by Thortok (contains links for all battleground info at top)

__________ (just a WSG link from the above page)



When you first start the match, you will be in an enclosed area. One minute after the map starts, a 1-minute timer will count down before the barriers around the starting point are removed. This is the cue to go! Buffing people is now free from mana usage during this time (like arena's).


Right-clicking on the enemy's flag will cause you to pick it up.

Right-clicking on the enemy flag icon while you're carrying it will cause it to drop.

Invulnerability buff effects, mount spells, and stealth spells prevent a player from picking up a flag.

Using these effects while holding a flag causes it to drop.

If your flag isn't being carried, right-clicking it will port it to your base.

Returning the enemy's flag to your flag's starting position while your flag is there will do the following:

Earn a capture for your team

Respawn both flags at their starting position after a short period (one minute or less)

Messages are sent to all players in the Battleground whenever a flag is picked up, dropped, returned, or captured.

Capturing three flags will win the game, granting a reputation bonus with your allies and a quest item noting your victory.

Players earn Bonus Honor when their faction captures a flag or wins the Battleground.

Bonus Honor

You receive bonus honor points for completing certain objectives. These honor points are calculated in the form of "bonus kills for a maximum leveled character". The honor points from these bonus kills are not split with anyone else. The honor bonus varies so there isn't a set number that can be listed. The following is a list of how many bonus kills you get for each objective:

Capturing a flag (3 bonus kills each)

Winning the match (1 bonus kill)

Other Information

There are three types of respawning power-ups in four huts (two on each side of the field).

Right-clicking an enemy player's corpse prevents that player from being able to resurrect using player spells or corpse reclamation. You can also loot money from the dead player's corpse.

Spirit Guides at each faction's "graveyard" location periodically resurrect players in an area around the Spirit Guide. Players are revived in waves. If there are too many dead players, some players might have to wait until the next resurrection wave to be revived. You can also talk to a Spirit Guide to enter the resurrection queue again.

The Warlock's Ritual of Summoning spell is disabled.

Resurrected Hunters and Warlocks will have their pets resurrected.

Friendly flag carriers are displayed on the overhead map after a time.|||In raid, so just going to make this short.

You can't cap the flag before you have returned yours.|||Thanks both. You'd think I would have noticed the connection.

And yes, that sounds like a good strategy, going to have to see how many friends I can get together to try it sometime.|||Quote:

Thanks both.



or just one guy to slow them down jsut enough to make them leave out earlier than your team

Sorry I just caught this and couldn't edit:

Should say leave out "later" than your team not "earlier".

This is so that your team is half way across the field before they're able to get out of your base with your flag. It makes it easier IMO.

Also check out Thortoks guide that I linked, he's got some good points and strats in that post.|||Yes, followed the link and enjoyed the article. In fact, I searched for WSG strategy guides before I posted, but that one didn't come up. Maybe I needed to use more generic terms.

I'm actually looking forward to my next WSG match, rather than thinking "WSG for the daily AGAIN?" Three days in a row, hoping today's WSG is different. The first time WSG was the daily on my server, I went in, we won, and then I joined my friends in a different BG. The next few times I went in didn't go much worse, probably won about 70% of the matches I was in. The last two times WSG was the daily, it was "lose 4-6 games, having to put up with name calling and such, before finally winning one and calling it a day." I think the reason I didn't catch on to needing both flags to cap was because the first time it was a real issue was one of the severe namecalling matches, so I didn't have a lot of respect for either side of the debate.

And no, I'm not the target of the name calling, but I still don't appreciate it, I'd much rather we all just cooperated and did our best, win or lose. The only time anyone referred to me, it was laughing about me eating a 5K shadowbolt crit. Of course someone else went off on the "That's why alliance always loses, no resilience gear" tangent, to which I responded "This is were it comes from, that's why I'm here, now let's win so I'll have the honor to get my first piece tomorrow." In fact, I think that was the match we won.

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