Saturday, April 14, 2012

Drops in AV?

[:1]I guess this is kinda a noob question but I've been doing AV lately and I notice that some characters drop stuff that can be looted but when you leave the battleground the stuff disappears from your bags. What's the point? Or is there a vendor somewhere in AV where you can sell the stuff before the battle ends?|||At your base, there are characters you can hand stuff in to help upgrade your npcs etc

For example armour scraps can be handed in to a blacksmith etc. There's a list of it all on wowwiki :)|||They are for "quests" that upgrade the npcs on your side. They are moderately useful but most AVs don't last long enough for you to get enough turn-ins to to get the upgrades. Asa bonus you get rep too.|||i picked up a broken I.W.I.N button from a dead ally the other day. obviously, it was broken since he was dead. i find this humorous.|||I have only ever summoned the elemental once in 70 AV.

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