Monday, April 16, 2012

Help with targeting

I have a druid that I will be speccing to resto once he hits 70. I would like to know how other people target their enemies and friendlies. Currently I use tab to target enemies and i guess ctrl tab would allow me to cycle thru friendlies.... Problem is it may take a while to select the right friendly to heal them in time.

Clicking to select target would be difficult as I use my mouse in free look mode and clicking is disabled when in that mode. I could hotkey it and turn it off to click target but I was wondering if there was any other way to select a specific target using just the keys? I don't do raids and standing still to heal sometimes isn't really an option in bg's, so I would like to keep my mouse in free look mode as much as possible....Thanks.|||On my resto I use middle mouse button to target nearest friendly target and side button for unfriendly.

Just cycle thought friendly targets and cast a heals on the ones who are getting hit.|||Get some decent raid frames, with a range checker. Almost any will do- but the best (though most horrible to config) is grid. Xperl's frames also work, but there are loads others. Cycling through targets as described above is never ever ever ever going to be even nearly quick or accurate enough :-)

(Grab a click casting addon like clique to work with your frames- then you can drop heals on people quickly, without having to target them at all).|||I'm guessing these require you to use the miuse cursor to select who you want to heal? I'm looking for something that will just allow me to use keys as my mouse cursor is disabled due to my mouse being used to turn in free look mode. Forgive my noobness if this can be done with these programs. Thanks

To see what I mean by free look use this macro..... /script if IsMouselooking() then MouselookStop() else MouselookStart(); end;|||By default, you can engage mouse look by holding down the right mouse button anyway. Using the keyboard to cycle through is not going to be quick or accurate enough when you have 10+ people to cycle through, end of discussion :)|||I use shift+V in battlegrounds when i roll in as a healer.|||Quote:

I use shift+V in battlegrounds when i roll in as a healer.

If you use nameplates, tried the "aloft" module? Discovered it while tanking, and it's rather neat..

(but still, nameplates is a crappy way to bg or raid heal)

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