Monday, April 16, 2012

Alterac Valley

Will someone please explain Alterac Valley to me? I went in the other night and didn't have a clue as to what the whole objective of the battleground was. I probably should have done some research before entering, but I didn't, typical nOOb maneuver. Rather than get it from allakazaam or thotbot, I figure I would consult the true Battleground Warlords of the forum. Also, there are some questgivers in the Battleground, what are they all about. Please school this newbie WOW chick in the objectives of this PVP. Also, there is a Sentinel by the bank in Darnassus who accepts medals of commendation or something. What is that all about? Thanks for your patience and understanding.

- Fern :-)||||||huh.. I just now tried to enter Alterac Valley from Hillsbrad. I am lvl 56, can't get in. Can't figure out what I am doing wrong. I have not done any bg's before, I am trying to get exalted with IF.|||Quote:

huh.. I just now tried to enter Alterac Valley from Hillsbrad. I am lvl 56, can't get in. Can't figure out what I am doing wrong. I have not done any bg's before, I am trying to get exalted with IF.

You can't go through the portal, you have to talk to the battlemaster near the portal to get put in the queue to join. You will get a message and an option to join once it's your turn and then be teleported inside. You can also talk to the battlemasters in the major cities to joing a queue as well, which is usually more convenient than running to the location of the BG.|||What level is this battleground aimed at, at lvl 38 i can get in, but suspect i may get a ersious kicking of the behind should i do so?|||No, you can't get in at level 38. See the official sites for BG info, and level ranges etc.|||Strange that as i went to it in Hillsbrad, spoke to the guy on the horse which then enabled me to be added to the queue to join the battleground.|||Thanks for the info Cattleya! I was at a loss and couldn't find anything on thottbot. I do value getting quick answers here.|||Alterac five seconds or less. The northern end is alliance controlled. The southern end horde controlled. The absolute object of the game is to kill the opposing faction's general, deep in their base. Graveyards need to be controlled because it is a very large map, and your reinforcements can get stuck behind enemy emplacments, which makes it gg. Used to be, AV was the closest to a true strategic venue that WoW offered, with games that could last forever, and rewards for thinking ahead. Now, AV seems to be a mad dash to the major honor givers, and then straight for the generals. If you're new... do not agree to defense, just stick yourself to the main group heading in. If you get separated, look at your map and head for the closest concentration of your people. AV is not the place to be running around solo until you know what you're doing. It becomes pretty clear pretty fast.|||someone explain commendation insignaias :S seriously confused

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