Monday, April 16, 2012

I need 14,000 honor

I need to get about 14,000 honor for a neck piece?

What ways would you folks recommend I do this?

My thoughts are to run AB a little at a time until I get there.

Simply because I hate wsg and alliance often receives 0 honor for their effort in AV.

Eye of the storm just does not interest me, no fantasy feel to it.

That being said, short of hiring someone to do it for me i'm willing to undertake whatever method needed (within the tos) to get this done.

The last time I needed honor I simply parked beside a node in AV and alt tabbed out while watching some movies alt-tabbing back in every few minutes to run a lap around the post. Yeah, I know this isn't 100% effective but I was normally one of the few if any people actually guarding anything.

Thoughts?|||I ground out the 30k honor I needed for my Battlemaster's Perserverance by switching back and forth between AV and EOTS and by nabbing every bg daily I could get. Do you have extra marks you could turn in for the new honor bonus thing from the general?|||If alliance usually gets 0 honor for AV then your best and you don't enjoy WSG and EOTS then obviously AB is the way to go for you. Keep in mind the PvP dailies also give honor IIRC in the neighborhood of 350-400 each. Don't forget the BG token turn in as well. It would mean spending a few minutes in the ones you don't like but you only need one loss each for a turn in.|||WSG are the tokens I do not have, I have like 100 of each of the others.

I'm not going to do wsg so it looks like i'm off to ab...|||Speaking of daily PvP quests, make sure that you capture a tower in Terokkar once per day.|||Have you tried AV after 2.4? Our battlegroup used to get 0 - 40 honor from AV but we are now 50/50 wins and get 200 - 500 after 2.4 patch. My level 60 mage has 15000 honor and 76 marks by doing only AV for a week.|||Quote:

Have you tried AV after 2.4? Our battlegroup used to get 0 - 40 honor from AV but we are now 50/50 wins and get 200 - 500 after 2.4 patch. My level 60 mage has 15000 honor and 76 marks by doing only AV for a week.

Actually I haven't but I have ran av 1,000 times pre 2.3.

I think i'll give it a shot to see what its like.|||14k honor ? have fun in AV :)|||I'd just bite the bullet and do WSG. Every game you're guarenteed to get 300 honor for the token hand in quest. Every game you win, it'll be 900! Add that to the honor you just just for playing the game and it shouldn't be too bad. WSG weekends are probably the better time to do them though or when WSG is the BG daily quest.|||Quote:

I'd just bite the bullet and do WSG. Every game you're guarenteed to get 300 honor for the token hand in quest. Every game you win, it'll be 900! Add that to the honor you just just for playing the game and it shouldn't be too bad. WSG weekends are probably the better time to do them though or when WSG is the BG daily quest.


I think this is best described as one of those "Lay back and think of england." (or i guess in this case, epics) moments.

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