Im a noob to PvP play and Im not doin well in the WSG battleground. Im a L27 Priest and Im confused as to how the "groups" work. Theres 10 players on my team right but only 5 of them are in my "group"??
I have some mods that are very useful enabling me to quickly cast buffs/debuffs/heals by clicking icons next to the main char icon for players IN MY GROUP. It also tells me when the spells are in range but again, only for players in my group.
Wot about the other 5 members of my team? Sometimes I start the battleground and the members of my "group" are nowhere to be seen but other "team" members are nearby - they then run out and I follow and Im left tryin to heal them in battle which is not ideal as they are not in my "group" and my mods dont show up for them.
Is there a way to group up with all 10 members of your team? It would make my life as a healer a LOT easier. Anyone got any links for noob PvPing (groups/raids/battlegrounds) for Priest class?|||Quote:
Is there a way to group up with all 10 members of your team?
Nope not in the way you desire (a party is only 5 members) BUT you are grouped with them (you're in a raid group when in BG's), just click them and cast - forget the mods for those people not on your team. UNLESS your mods work for "raid groups" (which most do) because that's what a BG "party" is. If this is the case, open your social tab once you're in the BG and click on the "raid" tab and whatever group you're not in just grab that group (at the top) and pull that panel over and under the other party members portraits. If your mods don't allow you to cast this way, then just go manual or grab some sort of raid healing mod. Besides, you don't want to get to used to doing everything with mods (what happens after a patch day when your mods don't work for a week or two and you need to heal your Guild's Sunwell Raid?)
Anyone got any links for noob PvPing (groups/raids/battlegrounds) for Priest class?
Just a guide for WSG (link below) from one of this sites members, it's pretty thorough but doesn't concentrate on any one class.
I also found this for ya' - though you may want to check the priest forum for maybe a thread on BG's if there is one.
Healing is key to the survival of a team's flag carrier and very few classes can match the versatility of a Priest's healing and support. A Priest's Renew, Prayer of Mending, and Power Word: Shield can all be cast in motion, making it easier to heal the constantly-moving flag carrier. A Priest should also always judiciously cast Dispel Magic on the flag carrier to remove any harmful or slowing debuffs -- and conversely use it on the enemy flag carrier to remove buffs such as Blessing of Freedom or Healing-over-time spells. Discipline Priests can use the new and improved Pain Suppression to extend the flag carriers longevity.
Shadow Priests have the invaluable Mind Flay to slow down enemy carriers and simply deal a face-melting amount of damage. It is also a good strategy to ride into the middle of the enemy contingent and belt out a Psychic Scream to start things off. This usually helps split the enemy flag carrier from his team. Chasers can also use Mind Vision to locate flag carriers who try to hide.
Did you have any specific questions that maybe we can answer? Also, what mods are you using? Someone may be using the same ones and might be able to tell you how to set it up for a raid group.|||I use Grid so that I can quickly see what is going on with the whole raid. I used the default Blizzard raid panels for a while, which works okay in WSG, but can quickly cover your whole screen if you try it in Alterac Valley. (Actually, it becomes pretty annoying in Arathi Basin with just 15 people.)
So, I would look for a raid frames mod (like Grid) for BG healing. You will need something like that anyhow if you ever heal in PvE raids as well.
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