Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Taking the loss...

Hello all. I am relatively new to BG's. I've played AV, AB and EotS. AV being my favorite (it seems Alliance domimates and it is closest to PvE so I seem to like it more) I do have an observation to make.

Admitedly I am there for the what has been referred to as "the welfare epics" to futher my PvE goals, so my priority is on getting the marks and the honor I need to do so. The win/loss is secondary to me. I've been in some long AB games, and some relatively long EotS games it seems. What I fail to understand is when a battle in EotS or AB is pretty much hopeless to win, why don't folks allow the loss to happen as quickly as possible so you can quickly move of to the next BG?

I am not whining about losses and I am not at all condoning not trying to win, it just seems more efficient to get your honor and mark when it is obvious that you are going to lose, especially in EotS and AB where honored gained is much less than AB.

I guess I look at it from an honor gained per hour and marks gained per hour perspective? The win/loss is a secondary concern.|||As a generic response:

Why are you so eager to lose this game ? Got another one to lose ?

And even 1900-400 games have been turned around into 1900-2000 wins. (Been there, done that, got the three marks.)|||Well....At what point does it seem hopeless? I've been on teams that are down 400-1200 and won the game.

I agree with the premise that losing is sometimes better than winning, but you can often tell that from the outset, when your pug is against a well-healed premade.

If all you need is honor, go for AV....|||Quote:

As a generic response:

Why are you so eager to lose this game ? Got another one to lose ?

Hmmm...never said I was eager to lose a BG. There does come a point within the game that it is better to lose so you can move on to the next game though.


And even 1900-400 games have been turned around into 1900-2000 wins. (Been there, done that, got the three marks.)

I am sure that has happened, but the odds are very much against it. How many time when down by that or a similar margin do you actually win? It is the exception, not the rule I am sure. Also, in the time you took to win said game, it is highly probable that you could have the other two mark off two other losses or four marks of that loss and one win. How many time when down by that or a similar margin do you actually win?|||Quote:

Well....At what point does it seem hopeless? I've been on teams that are down 400-1200 and won the game.

Im am sure, but as I answered isn't that the exception instead of the rule?


I agree with the premise that losing is sometimes better than winning, but you can often tell that from the outset, when your pug is against a well-healed premade.

I see that a lot it seems in AB.


If all you need is honor, go for AV....

That's what I do- AV is the bread and butter, but I sometimes need marks from other BG's. I have seen so many AB's drug out though, it appears to be better to let them 5 cap and grab your mark and move on to the next game.

Especially considering Alliance;s abysmal record in AB, and less than stellar record in EotS.

I look at it more from an efficiency aspect I guess. I really don't care about winning and losing. I care about how is it quickest was to get the most marks and honor in the shortest time.|||I don't see any point at giving up in an AB match. The mechanics there make it pretty hard for the games to drag on, so there isn't any reason not to fight till the end. Besides, the more points you score the more honor you get, even if you lose.

I'm also one of those stubborn people in WSG. Now, I go to WSG exclusively for the marks. It's a pretty unpleasant experience for a healer, especially in a PUG. However, I'm never going to just lay down and let the other team win.

I remember one match where I held onto that flag for close to a half an hour. I started getting the "just drop the flag" complaints. I told them that if the other team couldn't get the flag back from a holy/disc priest (I'd already capped twice in the game) they didn't deserve to win and that they (my team) needed to stop *****ing and get our flag back. A couple minutes later our flag was returned, I made the cap, and we won the game.

But I'm still going to do everything in my power to win the game, even if it drags it out to an hour or more. The hard fought victories are most certainly the sweetest. I've was in a WSG where a pug won over a premade because the other team started farming honor after they got the first two caps in the first 8 or so minutes. We got pissed, we got organized, and we won the game. We were there for more than an hour, but man was it sweet.|||Never give up!!! =)

IMO - It's partially b/c the button mashers and HK farmers in the BG aren't paying any attention to the score . . . they're popping open the BG tab while they're dead and making sure that they are up there in the kills / damage done - winning rarely means anything to these types as they have come to kill - not to win. I was in an EOTS last night . . . all but 2 ppl went middle (I went MT) and about 5 mins in the Alliance had zero nodes and everyone (minus me and the other guy) was still in the middle just fighting and fighting. But we had the flag!!! (feel the sarcasm? lol - yelling where are you gonna take that flag with zero nodes? didnt help me either lol)

This is why queing for multiple BG's is a good thing, que for the one you want and once the window pops, que for a few more so you may have a chance to leave shortly after entering a hopeless group.


Now, I'm in a good large guild that raids and pvp's - there's always some kind of premade going on for the current Call to Arms - I suggest doing premades as they make life easier. (I didn't loose an AB all weekend due to premades and I did about 10 or so with various guildies)|||When you need honor for items, all you want is to get the games over quickly so you can move on to the next one. If you have what you need from honor then you are mostly there for a good fight and to relax, so you are in no hurry and wont let the other side win without a fight.

I know how you feel, especially if you get stuck in an endless Warsong Gulch it can be frustrating. But if all the games were for maximum honor only and sides giving away games as soon as they fell behind, I think grinding honor would be even more tedious and frustrating in the long run. So enjoy it while you`re there and forget that you need alot of honor still, you`ll get it sooner or later.|||I'm a fan of going down fighting. If you're going to lose anyway, may as well die with dignity. It's a game, play it. That said, I'm having the opposite problem, have to keep running to spend marks on pots/clear out mail- GIEF PvP Elekk!|||I was in an EotS matches last night- I needed 7 marks for the next item. On the first match I hit DR out of the gate with two others, and when I got there 6 horde was there and wiped us. I rezzed at the starting point, relaizing it weas a a very good pre-made.

We lost 0-2000. It took them 5 minutes to beat us. I collected my mark and went on to the next game. I was pretty happy.

The next game took 25 or so minutes, we won by about 500.

It took me less time to collect the single mark in the first game than it did the marks in the second game. I was pretty happy with the first and in the second I just wanted it to be over as it was much less effecient method for getting the mark.

Nonetheless, I got my marks and moved on to AV where I farm honor (you get more for a loss in AV than a win in most others it seems). IMO he object isn't winning in those games (especially since winning in all of them except AV is so rare sao AV is the exception) it is about getting your mark as quickly as possible so you can get your gear as quickly as possible.

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