[:1]I have always hated twinks dominating the lower level BG's, but I had a bit of a double feeling with them. The thing is, I could imagine the joy of making one. Making the perfect twink is a nice challenge and something to do after reaching the level cap. But I couldn't bear being associated with the twinks who reaped enjoyment from slaughtering non-twinks in lower level BG's. I also loved doing BG's in the early days, so I was not happy that they had "degraded" somewhat to twink matches where the side not with the most teamwork or skill would win, but the side who had the most twinks. That's why I put off making one myself, I didn't want to associate myself with that.
I was very happy with the changes Blizzard made in patch 3.2. Basically for me it was the ideal situation: twinks versus twinks.
Yesterday I reached level 19 and turned off my exp gain, in order to run a few instances to get geared up. The BG queue is completely empty, no current matches. Asked about it in the channels, and it turns out no one - at least in our Battlegroup - is doing the non-exp BG's, and most twinks either quit and leveled up, or just level by doing Battlegrounds when they're in the higher end of the bracket and keep on slaughtering non-twinks that way, for as long as it lasts. They quickly level up the higher end of their new bracket and start over.
Is this true in other battlegroups as well? Are here other people who turned off exp in order to keep PvPing in their bracket?|||Yeap, 3.2 pretty much destroyed twinking. There just aren't enough twinks to keep the non-exp matches going. No sane person is going to log on their twink and wait 45 minutes to several hours just to play one 20 minute WSG game.
The more serious twinks have transferred servers and consolidated on one battlegroup (I think Ruin) in order to keep some semblance of twinking alive, but for the majority of us casual twinks, its game over. I know on my battlegroup twinking is long long gone.
I still have raiding on my main, so its really no big deal to me. When I do have free time, instead of playing on my twink I just log off and try to do something productive in real life (which probably isn't a good sign for Blizzard).
I'm pretty sure Blizzard had this in mine from the start though; surely they knew there weren't enough twinks to sustain twink-only battlegrounds. I know on a good night it was rare for there to be more than 2-3 actual twinks in each battleground I was in. Oh well, its Blizzard's game and they can do what they want with it.|||To be honest, part of me likes the fact that twinking is gone. I always hated twinks in normal battlegrounds, waving their e-peens around killing off non-twinks of the same level but with 20+ less stats. Not all of them were like that, but the majority I encounter is, and honestly, if you have a target in PvP you can easily kill, you don't let the opportunity pass. It's just that BG's were basically ruined unless you made a twink yourself, or unless you somehow liked to be massacred in three hits by characters of your own level, in some weird masochistic way. I was pretty disgruntled by that since I've always loved low level BG's in the old days, before twinks were so widely spread. So I hated twinks, unless they would get their own playground.
Which was basically done with patch 3.2. Now that it is here, I wanted to make a twink only to fight other twinks. So it saddens me somewhat that there aren't any people left for the lower level brackets.
But not enough twinks before that? Hmm... in every 10-19 WSG match I was in before the patch, there were at least 3 or 4 of them on every side. I really can't help thinking that no one bothers to turn off exp and just continues to massacre non-twinks until they level up. Then they can get to the next bracket, twink up again, and rinse and repeat. That strikes me as a bit funny: twinks always said they don't do it to have an advantage over non-twinks, but they continue to fight in the normal BG's and refuse to use the non-exp ones (where they only find other twinks). I can't help but think they are showing their true colors somewhat. But hey.
It is a shame really. I refuse to make a twink to go in normal BG's, that's exactly what I have always hated about them. I wanted to turn off exp gain and make a twink just to test my skills against other twinks, but I think I just wasted 20 gold instead.|||I am 100% happy twinks are gone.
1. No more 1-hits on my decently geared chars (Even if it's just a couple dungeon items) even if they're at the top end of the bracket, I still would get 1-shotted...
2. No more "Let's all mass in the mid and wait for the twinks to own us, but we'll try to get 1 hit in before we die!"
3. No more extreme honor farming in a place where I'm just trying to get a friggin mark.
4. No more "Hi, I'm level 19 and have more health than your level 45." that hits you in a soft spot when you're walking up to a battleground queue (Well, that was pre-3.1 when they added the "Anywhere BG".)
And one of the most important...
5. No more before every patch is on the PTR "In the next patch they're getting rid of twinks." in trade causing trade to become a flamefest.|||Personally, I think Blizzard's solution was perfect. I may even eventually try another battleground again because of it.
Overall, I think it probably will eventually lead to the death of twinking as a concept. There may be enough interest to get enough folks to continue making their twinks. I have my doubts though. The only reason to make a twink and seriously play one was to dominant the field. With that ability pretty much gone, why bother? I am sure that some of the hard-core twinks simply like facing other hard-core twinks and seeing which is the best player but are there enough to keep the concept alive when there is no more "superman vs the keystone cops" moments?|||Quote:
To be honest, part of me likes the fact that twinking is gone. I always hated twinks in normal battlegrounds, waving their e-peens around killing off non-twinks of the same level but with 20+ less stats. Not all of them were like that, but the majority I encounter is, and honestly, if you have a target in PvP you can easily kill, you don't let the opportunity pass. It's just that BG's were basically ruined unless you made a twink yourself, or unless you somehow liked to be massacred in three hits by characters of your own level, in some weird masochistic way. I was pretty disgruntled by that since I've always loved low level BG's in the old days, before twinks were so widely spread. So I hated twinks, unless they would get their own playground.
Which was basically done with patch 3.2. Now that it is here, I wanted to make a twink only to fight other twinks. So it saddens me somewhat that there aren't any people left for the lower level brackets.
But not enough twinks before that? Hmm... in every 10-19 WSG match I was in before the patch, there were at least 3 or 4 of them on every side. I really can't help thinking that no one bothers to turn off exp and just continues to massacre non-twinks until they level up. Then they can get to the next bracket, twink up again, and rinse and repeat. That strikes me as a bit funny: twinks always said they don't do it to have an advantage over non-twinks, but they continue to fight in the normal BG's and refuse to use the non-exp ones (where they only find other twinks). I can't help but think they are showing their true colors somewhat. But hey.
It is a shame really. I refuse to make a twink to go in normal BG's, that's exactly what I have always hated about them. I wanted to turn off exp gain and make a twink just to test my skills against other twinks, but I think I just wasted 20 gold instead.
Before the patch, there already weren't enough twinks on either side to fill a BG. Rampage 49 bracket was extremely busy, but even there you didn't get a full twink on twink game, at best 5-7 or so in one game. You won't get any games going like that. Before it might've been 4-4, but now the games have to be fully queued as well.
As Tort stated above, the most serious twinks gathered on one battlegroup (Blackout iirc) just to get some games in. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't be waiting for 2 hours either just to maybe get one game in, that isn't even guaranteed either. And personally, I don't care enough to give Blizzard 15 bucks just to fix a problem they created themselves. Anyone could've seen this coming a mile away and there would've been a fairly simple solution.
To top it off, the recent 60-69 and 70-79 brackets in AV completely destroyed the "classic" twinks. I find it odd that people who only have Vanilla/TBC installed are forced to play against those with an extra expansion all of a sudden.
Now, I do know that if I will play those twinks, I can't be bothered to turn XP off and I will obliterate those whiny punks in regular BGs. Was planning to level my Warrior anyway (mostly made a short stop because I like to PvP on alts and the idea of a Gnome with a Nightblade tickled me and was the reason to even create one), so I might as well do it in XP bgs.
//edit: Before the twink haters arrive - even my non-twinks, regular leveling chars have done numerous BGs and I always kit out my characters. I just might not do the extensive instance farming for it, but they will have BoEs and enchants.|||No worries, I'll just suck it up then and do normal BG's. And yeah, in a manner of speaking I was already twinking, meaning I geared up in blues. But I just used BoP's from instances and maybe some lower end enchants. I'll use the no exp thing I have on me now to gather some equipment and then off to the exp BG's if I can't find any non-exp BG.|||I find it a great vindication. I've been saying for years that there aren't enough real twinks (Those who actually want the challenge of fighting another twink) to make this work. And the official forums are full of level 19, 29 toons disagreeing with me on that statement. They swore up and down that they were not such a minority, that there were more of them than we gave credit for, that they were a viable portion of the wow community and deserved some love from Blizzard.
They got it. The rest is...well...
I feel very sorry for real twinks. I think a lot of them believed their fellows when they said that they wanted the "challenge" of twinking, and weren't in it to massacre brand new players in whites and greens.|||That's exactly the feeling I am having: that the majority of the twinks - and no offense to the "real" twinks out there, the kind I wanted to make - is really showing their true colours.|||Quote:
That's exactly the feeling I am having: that the majority of the twinks - and no offense to the "real" twinks out there, the kind I wanted to make - is really showing their true colours.
The majority of real twinks quit already over the atrocious WSG changes (epic mounts / shorter game time). Add a 15 euro bill just to get some games in? Hell, I'd seriously be considering Aion too, if running low level BGs was the only thing keeping me in the game.
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