Hey, guys.
I'm thinking about starting a regular WSG premade and I'm looking for some strategies.
I realise it depends on the situation, especially if it's against a premade or a PuG, but some general strategies would be nice. :)
What strategies do you guys use in premades?
Thanks!|||*zerg in*
*get flag*
*zerg out*
*kill enemy flag carrier*
group 1 gets flag, 2 controls midfield, 3 (generally a hunter or rogue) guards flag - warns which way it gets taken.|||Yep, I was thinking about the 10 player zerg. Just sticking together as a group and kill the EFC on the way back. It seems to work well for alot of other teams.
And was thinking about the other strategy too actually. Nelf hunter (I play Alliance) and a rogue in FR, 5 people in MF and 3 people that gets the flag. Perhaps only have one defender, I prefer to have 2 though, since some of those flag carriers can be *really* annoying when hiding! :P
I think I'll test it tomorrow!
And thank you very much for the feedback, I really appriciate it! :D|||Use one defender.
If he can stop the FC from getting away, so much the better, but that's not why you have him.
It's solely so group 2 knows where to go n wait for him.
If you just start leading WSG, keep it as simple as possible. It can get real ugly real quick and until you get a feel for it, it'll be hard enough to stick to the simple plan.|||Quote:
Yep, I was thinking about the 10 player zerg. Just sticking together as a group and kill the EFC on the way back. It seems to work well for alot of other teams.
That's what we do, and I can count the number of matches that we've lost without having to take my shoes off :)|||Quote:
That's what we do, and I can count the number of matches that we've lost without having to take my shoes off :)
It's simple. Which means people are able to 'follow the instructions' without needing more brainpower than being able to move their toons in WoW.
Against a proper premade you'll get picked apart, but it's certainly more than enough to steamroll pugs.|||Quote:
It's simple. Which means people are able to 'follow the instructions' without needing more brainpower than being able to move their toons in WoW.
Against a proper premade you'll get picked apart, but it's certainly more than enough to steamroll pugs.
It also works very well for us against proper premades, thanks. There's only one premade that we come up against who have ever taken any games from us- and they're wearing rather a lot of S3, and seem to spend all day in the BGs (whereas we're a PvE guild who just BG for a couple of hours at a stretch for fun).
Actually, as it goes, I rather look forward to the premade-vs-premade matches. While some of them AFK out when they see who they're up against, others actually put up a decent fight. Fighting PUGs gets boring- unless they're the rare-as-hen's-teeth PUGs who put a blinding game together (these guys are always a nice surprise).
We usually build our premades out of three guilds- an established raiding guild with Illidan more or less on farm, one of our server's PvP guilds, and my guild which is only about three months old, and into the t6 instances. It makes a nice combo.|||What exactly is a premade?
Just you getting a raid group and joining all together?|||Quote:
It also works very well for us against proper premades, thanks. There's only one premade that we come up against who have ever taken any games from us- and they're wearing rather a lot of S3, and seem to spend all day in the BGs (whereas we're a PvE guild who just BG for a couple of hours at a stretch for fun).
Actually, as it goes, I rather look forward to the premade-vs-premade matches. While some of them AFK out when they see who they're up against, others actually put up a decent fight. Fighting PUGs gets boring- unless they're the rare-as-hen's-teeth PUGs who put a blinding game together (these guys are always a nice surprise).
We usually build our premades out of three guilds- an established raiding guild with Illidan more or less on farm, one of our server's PvP guilds, and my guild which is only about three months old, and into the t6 instances. It makes a nice combo.
Most Premades are like yours, Moopy. Not from a PvP guild (though in your case the PvP guild's people might be leading the premade).
I can promise you a premade from a PvP guild which "does it for a living" as it were will pick apart the tactics I listed above.
Hell, 2 frost mages and a healer will absolutely demolish such a zerg if they are at all coordinated.
I did run with a PvP guild's premades quite often and I loved it when we went up against a proper premade - ie. a PvP one. Who cares if the WSG takes 90 minutes as long as it's a lot of tactical moves on either side.|||Quote:
Most Premades are like yours, Moopy. Not from a PvP guild (though in your case the PvP guild's people might be leading the premade).
I can promise you a premade from a PvP guild which "does it for a living" as it were will pick apart the tactics I listed above.
No, they don't. To all of the above.
Hell, 2 frost mages and a healer will absolutely demolish such a zerg if they are at all coordinated.
I did run with a PvP guild's premades quite often and I loved it when we went up against a proper premade - ie. a PvP one. Who cares if the WSG takes 90 minutes as long as it's a lot of tactical moves on either side.
You're terribly patronising. Our people are PvE raiders, but a lot have been sitting pretty on 2200-2300ish rating in arenas, and for the ones who aren't, a lot of them are used to the tight co-ordination of regular raiding, and thus turn on a dime. It's not rocket surgery, nor are battlegrounds a novelty to most people.
Two frost mages and a healer will *not* and cannot demolish such a zerg. The s3-geared warlocks and rogues being kept up by the tier 6 geared resto shaman see to that, while I generally run with the druid FC (sitting pretty around the effective resilience cap), hilarious watching people trying to catch him, much less kill him. It's a nice way to kill time, but only decent premades put up a good fight. The more casual ones AFK out after a couple of beatings. There's one team that manages to take some games, so far.
I've spent plenty of time on horde side with an obsessively hardcore PvP premade before now (hell, also some time under the old system with r12-14 people too- back when you had to play all damn day to stay at that level), too, and I have to say that they only major difference is that my current lot generally have a somewhat higher average IQ and more of a sense of humour.
But of course, you know better, so carry on being smug and patronising :) /bonk
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