[:1]Hi all!
I want to ask you if you would do BGs if there wasn't any reward for it (no honour, marks and reward Quartermasters), just for plain "fun" so to speak!
I ask this because I hate AV for example and just do it for the endless honour grind because - unfortunately - the honour/hour rate is the best there.
Personally I'd do an occasional WSG or AB (and quit playing AV and EOtS altogether) and spend perhaps 5% of the time I spend on BGs now.|||They'd be almost deserted, the rewards are the "carrot", the learning curve for most people has an awful lot of "stick" involved. This dymanic underpins the whole game, there must always be carrots to dangle.|||The only reason I endure the twink-riddled horror of the battlegrounds is to earn honour and marks for gear that I can't get anywhere else.|||Personally I love the BG's as the only real chance i get to kill horde on my main. (wish I would have rolled a pvp server) I would definately keep doing them even with out rewards, as I have all the rewards from there anyway and still do them.|||Last option for me. I used to do them a lot, but that was the period when a twink was a rare sight. I have no twink and I have no interest whatsoever in making one, so BG's are basically no fun for me anymore.|||I only play to see more of the game content.
It is the same reason I read fantasy books, to immerse myself into the content.
If pvp for a while will advance me in PvE so I can see more of the game then I would do it.
I don't know how people arenea/play halo/bg 100% of their game time. That would bore me to tears.|||I PvP to gear up for PvE.
I PvE to gear up for PvP.
Without a tangible reward I'd barely set foot inside. I don't have any need for anything currently (other than some Arena pieces maybe) and thus barely do BGs. I do the odd one for a change of pace, but not nearly in the same amount as when I am working towards a shiny epic.|||Quote:
I only play to see more of the game content.
It is the same reason I read fantasy books, to immerse myself into the content.
If pvp for a while will advance me in PvE so I can see more of the game then I would do it.
I don't know how people arenea/play halo/bg 100% of their game time. That would bore me to tears.
One could say the same thing about Raiders. Each time, going against the same mobs, fighting the same bosses, who's actions are scripted (for the most part), and have a strategy that almost guarantees victory. The same old stuff, day after day. That would bore many others to tears.
If there were no rewards for BG's then there would be no point in doing them. It would be like going on a raid that doesn't drop loot (and you can see how many people tend to raid the major cities anymore. In the year and a bit I've been playing, I've witnessed one raid on Orgrimmar and it ended before they even made it to Thrall's room).
I do BG's because I want to save up my honor points and mark for some of the BG gear available for when I hit 70. I've got enough for 1 piece, at the moment (at 64).|||Ah, but unless you've beaten the game (which might be... I don't know... 0.5% of all gamers), there's always more bosses to be had once you finished with the current ones.
Whereas, with PvP, it remains the same AV/AB/WSG/EotS no matter what you do.|||I'd do competitive BG's for no item based reward, but for titles like arenas. I feel the same about arenas though (the items just show up heh).
I'd do more WSG/AB in premades if there was more to it than just farming r-tards for points.
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